Message 38802

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:21:36 -0000
> RFC 1855 Netiquette Guidelines -
Will look at it!!

> "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer than
> 4 lines. Remember that many people pay for connectivity by the minute, and
> the longer your message is, the more they pay."
Ok...but I only use it once in a blue moon...unlike some who put it
on very message they send!!!....which seems to be around 20 people
from what I can see, and you all seem to complain about mine (damn check!!)


Message 38803

From :"Michael" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig! (slightly longer!!)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:36:43 -0000
> > "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer
> > 4 lines.
> 1> Stephen Marriott -
> 2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
> 3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
> 4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027
> 5>
> Neil

Yes...isn't is annoying when people tell you that your in the wrong...and
they go and go the same.....damn hippocripts (spelling!!!)...

What I find annoying is that these people send long mails with no warning (I
look at the Gameboy (long advanced warning) message!!), tell people what you
should do (but don't tend to stick to what they preach!!!), and reply to
messages which
have been answered already (what is the point? are just making people
download a long pointless message!!).

I don't mind people putting sigs on mail, but if you are going to do a bulk
where each message will appear one after the other do I really need to read
you sig on
each mail


Message 38804

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cyberstorm MK III 060 + PicassoIV + A3000 Desktop = problems?
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:53:32 +0100
Hi Kevin

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Does anyone have a combination of these two cards in an A3000 desktop? 
> I can't get them to work together!  Anyone have these two cards in any
> Amiga together?  Any suggested jumper settings?  I have the rev 11
> Buster chip.
> What happens is that the computer starts, then the power light blinks
> and it reboots, then blinks, etc. etc.  Either cards works great
> without the other, but I don't want either a 16 color 68060 Amiga
> (already got an A2000 like that)or a 25mhz 16 million color Amiga (then
> Cinema4D stuff will take far longer than even my A1200!)  Help!

I'm sure I've heard of this before when I used to be subscribed to the Picasso
mailing list. Unfortunately, that was ages ago, and I can't remember the
details. Worth asking there thoguh, as I'm sure there was a relatively simple
fix for it...

"Bother," said Pooh, as he fell into the pits of Hell.

Message 38805

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amigas in industry
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:16:05 +0100
Hi Stephen
Somewhere around 01-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:
Amigas in industry

> I guess u mean the Saracens Head in Dunstable.  AFAIK there isn't a
> Saracens Head in Luton. 

Thats the one :) how do you know btw?

 FWIW, they have been using that A1200 for a few
> yrs now...

hmmm, I haven't been going there for a few years :)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Support your Lawyers... Become a Doctor!

Message 38806

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:24:09 +0100
On 01-Dec-99, Stephen Marriott wrote:

> RFC 1855 Netiquette Guidelines -

> "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer than
> 4 lines. Remember that many people pay for connectivity by the minute, and
> the longer your message is, the more they pay."

Meaning we don't give a rat's arse about what revision your CD32 is, or
whether or not your machines have "rock lobster" printed on their circuit
boards. Nor is that fact that your 1200 has 2 megs of chipmem really
needed. here, your new sig, curtousy of me :)

oh, and your website doesn't have capital letters, if I tried the link you
gave, it would most likely fail, websites are case sensitive! I've killed
your email address, its in the mail, we can all hit reply quite easily.

HTTP:// (still not here)

A1200T - Z3, 160MHz PPC 603e/040, 18 MB
A500 - GVP HD+,5MB
CD32 - SX 1, 10MB

There, all very nice. Now your name will be quoted at the end of mails, we
can see your site (and can link to it now it has the http:// in front) and
all your hardware. Plus it'll be cut off when we do hit reply

Mash - mmm, nice
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Only I can tell where my own shoe pinches me.

Message 38807

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:26:54 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 01-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:
Shorting the sig!

>> 1> Stephen Marriott -
>> 2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
>> 3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
>> 4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027
>> 5>

> Aww, come on Neil. At least it's generally all useful information.
> Look how he's tried to SQUEEZE it all in.

ok, but at least get rid of the email address, we're all perfectly capable
of hitting reply or looking at the top of the screen

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I am Barney of Borg: You will be assimilated because I love you.

Message 38808

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:26:17 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 01-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:
Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)

>> Still, works, just don't scratch the back...

> It depends what you call the front what you call the back.

> Okay, try and snap a CD :)

Nope they just ping back. Whereas snapping an n64 cart will make it shatter
all over the place

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Thousands of journeys have a start but no end.

Message 38809

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems and Miami
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 19:52:30 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, wrote:

> Dixons piss me off. I asked them if I could return the modem if it
> didn't work. They told me that I couldn't return it if I'd opened it,
> because of the drivers etc. Long story short. If a modem is not listed
> on Miami's list of modems on the init, is there a chance that it won't
> work at all? (Can't remmeber exactly what is was, a "Phonic something")

Bah sod off, just return it anyway, say its faulty. They NEVER check
ANYTHING at all, ever. They'll take it and give your money back, not even
asking whats wrong with the damn thing. Must've done that a thousand times

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

TV Truth:  Whenever there's a thunderstorm, someone will be murdered.

Message 38810

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 20:07:59 +0100
Hi Ben
Somewhere around 01-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] PPC stuff
from phase 5 to be made by Power

> first products will dribble out before Christmas, but the real production
> will be available before the end of January.

Ahahahahah!, hehehe.... oh Ben you tease..... At least make your jokes
slightly plausible.

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Use the Force, Luke, Don't give in to the DOS side.- ObiWan Kenobi

Message 38811

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:25:32 +0100
Hi Neil
Somewhere around 01-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:
Shorting the sig!

>> "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer
>> than 4 lines.

>> --
>> Stephen Marriott -
>> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
>> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
>> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027


ROTFLMAO ehehehhe well done, thou truely are't thine biggesth assth BD

Mash - 2 lines and a tag
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

A little a'disk & a little a'data

Message 38812

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] NTL
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 18:09:16 +0100

Could someone send me a config file for netconnect (1) or miami please? I've
got all the servers and so on, but it just commits suicide when trying to
verify the DNS servers.

Anyone help at all, I don't wanna have to use this shitey p90 sitting next
to me, y' hear?

Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

As funny IRS audit.

Message 38813

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What`s happening with Iwin??
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:39:40 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, Bert Volders wrote:

> As for the pasr years again we'll have to wait and see again... Man, we
> must be the most patience breed of computer users.

By the time they come out, I'll prolly have a double chin like yours ;))

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

The 4 Food Groups: Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugar, and Sex.

Message 38814

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:30:57 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 30-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re: What
good is OS3.5? (was The new issue)

> And the same goes for Windows - the amount of people I see
> running all kinds of shareware gumpf and complaining that
> it crashes all the time.

150 for a simple program to transfer pics from a digi cam then save them as
a bitmap. The thing bombs out everytime, clean instal. Now you tell me some
1 shareware could have been any worse.

> drivers and DECENT software by REPUTABLE companies (that
> is, Microsoft,

hggggg (clenches heart) uuuugghhh! (drops to floor)

Mash - dead
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Butterfly crossing next five miles!

Message 38815

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:48:08 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> If MUI so hot, why do the developers of the major commercial apps not
> use it?

So voyager, ibrowse, yam, stricq and so on are just a few 16 snotty kids
writing a few lines of code for a laff?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Oh...a wiiiise guy, eh?????

Message 38816

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:34:12 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> Hmm. I was under the impression that it was the "Hold down the right mouse
> button to get a menu, and then select multiple things with the left mouse
> button while still holding down the right mouse button" thing. However, I
> make no claims of accuracy.

pc mice dont do that?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Oxymoron: Honest Convict.

Message 38817

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:37:26 +0100
On 30-Nov-99, Frost wrote:

> (If he doesn't stop complaining the newbie could end up on a Analytical
> Engine by the end of the week!)

Or inside Lovelace's pants ;) (if y' not old enough, or haven't taken a
computing A-level, I ain't explaining :))

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Quite a motley crew you've assembled here, Benji.   Q

Message 38818

From :"David Monk" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga CD
Date: 02 Dec 99 19:25:09 +0000
>> I've got a Mitsumi 4802TE CDRW, I've had to stick it in the PC as it's
>> given me nothing but bother in the Amiga

>what software are you using? that make works fine here!

I've used MakeCD3.2 and MasterISO2.0 (I Think). The drive is set as secondary
slave on an  original powerflyer secondary master being a Phillips X32 CD-ROM.
MakeCD sort of works, throws up loads of errors and wont erase a disk and
wont simply copy a disk.
MasterISO just doesn't work at all

It works flawlessly in the Pc using the supplied WinOnCD software.


Message 38819

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?
Date: 03 Dec 99 04:51:25 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  dan <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 01:36:59
 Re:  [afb] POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?

Hi dan,

> At the rate things are going at Amiga, what are your feelings about the Amig
> Please select one of the following:

And what about:  "I've given up all hope."

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38820

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!
Date: 03 Dec 99 06:32:32 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Michael <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  02-Dec-99 04:18:12
 Re:  [afb] Re: 100MHz 68040!

Hi Michael,

>>>> of things.  You're really taking pot luck with these adventures.  And
>>>> don't think manufacturers build in lee-way to accomodate you, they
>>>> don't, they build things to minimum specifications.
>>>> Sometimes you can be lucky, sometimes you can be very unlucky (some
>>>> just won't even go a few percent faster than designed for).

>>> if it works on more than three A3640's..why wouldnt it work on someone
>>> elses A3640 ?

>> I'm not saying it can't.  But, putting a faster chip in a device that
>> was never designed with that speed in mind, is pure luck whether it will
>> work for you or not.

> Why not?....processors don't normally have alot of current going down the
> tracks....I cannot see any problems with these upgrades....the only
> problem I have heard of was a overdrive 486 upgrade and thoose
> don't work always (a 3.3volt chip on a 5v motherboard)...I cannot
> see any reason for a '040 100Mhz not working on a '040 25MHz
> motherboard/accerator...I am rather sure that the voltages the chips run
> on will be the same

It's nothing to do with current, power suplies, etc.  It's to do with
the high frequencies involved (of the data travelling along the circuit
board tracks).  The higher the frequencies, the more crucial the design
of the board (the distance between tracks, the shape of them, bends,
buffering between chips, impedances, etc).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38821

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: NTL
Date: 03 Dec 99 07:10:03 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Matthew O'Neill <>
 To:  Amiga Format Bulletin <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 02:09:16
 Re:  [afb] NTL

Hi Matthew,

> Hi

> Could someone send me a config file for netconnect (1) or miami please? I've
> got all the servers and so on, but it just commits suicide when trying to
> verify the DNS servers.

Do you know what the DNS IPs are?

If so, enter them by hand, save them, and set your TCP/IP stack to not
verify servers.  It's usually quicker to log on this way, but if you use
more than one ISP, you have to be sure that you change them for each ISP
you call (or you use DNSs that can be accessible by either).

If you don't know, then ask your ISP.  They *should* give this
information out to all new customers at least, and should give it when
asked for it too.  Many of them even have them listed on their support

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38822

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI
Date: 03 Dec 99 07:07:15 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Matthew O'Neill <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  02-Dec-99 06:48:08
 Re:  [afb] Re: YAM YAM YAM and Registering MUI

Hi Matthew,

> On 30-Nov-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

>> If MUI so hot, why do the developers of the major commercial apps not
>> use it?

> So voyager, ibrowse, yam, stricq and so on are just a few 16 snotty kids
> writing a few lines of code for a laff?

You do wonder sometimes, considering how unstable some of them can be. :-)

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38823

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 21:58:53 +0000
Hello Kevin

On 30-Nov-99, you wrote:

> any idea what it is about the accelerator that is causing the problem?  I
> mean, you bought it in good faith (off my mate after proof it worked fine
> on his a1200 and mine ;) so it's not the stuff you bought, probably the
> cheap accelerator you are using *grin*

I think it may be the second memory slot. :(

> Seriously, have you tried it without the RAM and all sorts of things like
> that?  what about using the card in different slots?

Yes, Yes and Yes

> If anyone else wants to help, it's the micronik zorro adaptor (I think)
> with the afore mentioned processor card and a picasso 2 (not 2+) card with
> 2mb ram on it.

It is the Micronik one

> Kev


Message 38824

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso 2s, ZII busboards and Apollos
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 20:34:24 +0000
Hello Darren

On 01-Dec-99, you wrote:

> I don't want to put a downer on things but...

I#m already down. It dont work :(

> I had this same problem but with a PicassoIV a ZII bus board and a Apol=
> 1240/40. It seems that the starting addresses of all the Apollo
> accelerators conflicts with the starting address of the (Micronik) ZII =
> board or is it the Picasso. ( I assume it's a Micronik ZII bus board yo=
> have- the Z4 boards should be fine). I can't remember which it was, but=
> was one of the two that was definitly the cause of the problems.

> Try taking the Apollo out (if not done already) leaving in the Picasso =
> Bus board just booting up to the Startup menu. and go to the boards men=
> That should work and you should see both boards listed (not by name
> though)

Done so and they are recognised

> You have 3 choices:-

Ok =

> 1. Check the A1200 mother board revision, should be 1.D.1 for good
> compatability and corrected timing problems. But obviously this wasn't =
> cause in my case and wouldn't have thought in your case. See Eyetech fo=
> modificatioins.

Shit. It *is* a ID.1

> 2. Change the bus board to a Z4 type @ about =A3150.00 ukp with Video
> adaptor. You have got the video adaptor for the current bus board havn'=
> you ( I forgot this)

No I haven't got the video adaptor Picasso II does not need one

> 3. Change the accelerator (which I did to a PPC) and has worked without=

> fault since. If your 1230 is new Eyetech should exchange it if you can
> afford the upgrade, otherwise you'll have to see about a refund. ALL th=
> Blizzard range of boards should work fine.

i might get a Blizzard 1240T then ;)

> Sorry one more

> 4. Sell the Apollo, I've just sold a Blizzard 1230/50 in lightning spee=
> so either a lot of people are after a 1230 or the blizzard board.

I'll have to sell it anyways to fund the Blizzard

> Hope this helps


> Regard


Message 38825

From :"Martin Shaw" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HTML testers?
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:52:15 -0800
"alex furmanski" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi all
> I've written an HTML page, but it uses Javascript, Style Sheets and
> (sort of) and looks great in IE but I was wondering if some kind
souls would
> check it to make sure it looks okay in not-quite-so-fancy browsers.

Well, I test software to destruction at work (its my job), might as
well do it at home too!!!!

As far as I know, no Amiga browser supports style sheets - but then
again I do not know of the capabilities of the latest versions because
I've always used Linux/Netscape for surfing. Besides I broke my A1200
last month, and I've not replaced it yet because of stories about the
imminent release of the BoXeR, so I *cant* point an Amiga browser at
your page :-(. For this test I used I used Netscape 4.71 on Caldera
Open Linux (kernel 2.2.5). 

Anyhow, as of 8:34pm (GMT) December 2nd, I got the following Javascript

JavaScript Error:,
line 80:

syntax error. 


JavaScript Error:,
line 64:

welcome is not defined. 
JavaScript Error:,
line 80:

syntax error. 


JavaScript Error:,
line 64:

welcome is not defined. 
JavaScript Error:,
line 80:

syntax error. 


JavaScript Error:,
line 64:

welcome is not defined. 
JavaScript Error:,
line 80:

syntax error. 


JavaScript Error:,
line 64:

welcome is not defined. 


Using the Lynx (a text only browser), the Javascript is ignored and I
get :-

                                                Welcome to Alex's House
Of Fun


   Welcome to Alex's
   House Of Fun
   Click here to enter
   Site and contents =A91999 Alex Furmanski
   For permission to reproduce in part or in whole, email me

Which is perfectly useable (unlike my own efforts - but then I use


I expect you are aware that the link does not work.

Best regards,


Message 38826

From :Andy Kinsella <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 20:00:15 +0000
Greetings  Ben 

On 02-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Hi Andrew,

>> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how, and also does
>> anyone know of a cd that has C4d Models on? The CU Coverdisk
>> doesn't have much with it, and without a manual I am learning the
>> program through trial & error.

> You can with the full version of C4D because it comes with
> MagicLink, which will convert them to C4D. However, there are very
> few existing C4D models around, mainly because its modeller is so
> hard to get a good result from...

Which begs the question; why did it always get such high scores in

> All the best,

Imagine textures and a few pictures@<>
/PGP Key available on request/

Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 38827

From :"Robert Smith" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: 2 Dec 99 21:15:08 +0000
> Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
> I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.
>   Hi Martin  I had the same problem but if i change to view icons it works.Its a strange beast .
    Hope this helps.

                  Best Regards,Robert.                              
Keyingham.  East Yorkshire.  A1200.Tower.                        


Message 38828

From :"Morgan Larsson" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...
Date: 2 Dec 99 22:31:36 -0100
>>The second one is ~2GB, but after formatting it shows up to be
"only" 1GB???
> Where? In HDToolbox?

No, HDT shows 2GB. It says 1GB free 486KB used in the window title

> Oh, are you running any disk-based patches at all?

Only patches at the mo are cyberpatcher and magicmenu. 

> Does the CS-SCSI device get patched by SetPatch at startup? IIRC
> it doesn't support NSD by default, but it should be patched..

Well, it does now. I completely missed the NSDPatch.cfg in DEVS:
After uncommenting the cybscsi entry, as Mr Vost kindly pointed out,
all seems well. (for the moment ;)  )

All the best...........Morgan

Message 38829

From :"Morgan Larsson" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: 2 Dec 99 22:19:33 -0100
Hello, Mr Vost!

> You don't say whether the drive is hooked up to your CyberSCSI or not, or
> whether you've adjusted the NSDPatch.cfg in devs: to take your SCSI into
> account (you need to uncomment the line at 439).
Sorry, it's hooked to the CyberSCSI. I totally missed that
NSDPatchthingummy, but  after altering it :PROBLEM SOLVED :D

> I don't have the SCSI module on my CStorm, so I can't verify this.
 Seems to work now, thankyouthankyouthankyou!



Message 38830

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: 03 Dec 99 08:02:22 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Colin Buckenham <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  02-Dec-99 05:52:36
 Re:  [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi

Hi Colin,

>>MD Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
>>MD I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.

> I too had a problem with HDToolbox and O/S 3.5 but it turned out to be one
> of the legs on one of the 3.1 Roms not making a correct contact. Once I had
> gone down all four rows of legs pressing them in one at a time to make sure
> that they were seating properly my problem resolved itself. The funny thing
> is that HDToolbox worked perfectly with the same Roms when run with O/S 3.1

You do have the HDToolBox tooltype set for the right device?

e.g. scsi_device_name=squirrelscsi.device

If the 3.5 install is anything like other OS install scripts, they make
*thorough* stuff up of icons that you already had (tooltypes, default
tools, positions, etc.).

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38831

From : Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 17:23:24 +0200
Hello Alan

> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Pekka Sippola wrote:
>> 4 resets by cold start - hallelujah! Oxypatcher, Idefix and SetPatch.
>> I wonder, what's the fourth?

> the PPC setup flashROM software?  why does Oxypatcher need a reset?

Maybe? Openoxypport makes a reset.

> least you're not running prepareemul too! :-)

Must make a test! ...OK, like earlier it must be started from shell, it
freezes the S-S.


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 38832

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 2 Dec 1999 19:31:28 +0000
Tudor Davies said, 

> On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 12:56:49PM -0000, Chris Green wrote:

>> The important thing now is for Active to finish squabbling with
>> the CD duplication company, get a fresh batch of working disks, and to
>> answer their phones, email, faxes occasionally!

> Quite correct - the squabble between Active & the duplicators is irrelevant
> to Chris' not having his software - Active need to sort that out in the
> background, all the while keeping their legal obligation to their customers

That's all well and good in theory, but Active haven't got any working
CDs to send out, and won't have until the dispute with the duplicators
is resolved. Since the duplicators are in the wrong, the time it takes
to sort out is up to them. Sooner or later they'll have to admit defeat,
unless Active give up, but it's likely to be later rather than sooner.

> Backing up irate customers :)

Taking a balanced view :)

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Modulation in all things.

Message 38833

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: 2 Dec 1999 19:34:58 +0000
Samuel Byford said, 

> Well, all sent off now, so hopefully I should have GoldEd before too long,
> but you would think that we the EU having their foot in our proverbial door
> we would have such things as EuroCheques by now.  Ben, you travel a lot. Do
> you have these problems?

Barclays do Eurocheques. I posted one on a Wednesday evening and got
GoldED on the Friday :)

> Saying that, if Eilert was to accept credit cards this would all have been
> *sooo* much easier!

And what's this lark about the latest update only being on CD? OK, 10DM
isn't a lot, but then he charges another 10DM for sending it out,
instead of making it available for download.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
My wallet's cache is disabled.

Message 38834

From :"Ian Urie" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi
Date: 02 Dec 99 08:27:59 -0500
On 01-Dec-99 14:52:21, Maarten Draijer said about [afb] HDToolbox (OS3.5) & Squirrelscsi:
> Why won't HDToolbox work with my SquirrelSCSI?
> I have to use the old hdtoolbox to get acces to it.

Edit the icon to show Device=squirrelscsi.device instead of scsi.device.
Works fine here.

Ian Urie  <>
Better to marry a man who loves you than one you love.

Message 38835

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: 3 Dec 1999 0:17:6 +0000
Oliver Esberger said, 

> I wonder why Setpatch needs a reset? I am running OS3.5, and the only
> reset I have is for Fusion.

SetPatch resets after patching scsi.device and FFS. If you've added the
NOROMUPDATE argument to SetPatch, it won't reset.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If God had intended Man to program, we'd be born with serial I/O ports.

Message 38836

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 3 Dec 1999 0:19:31 +0000
Matthew O'Neill said, 

> oh, and your website doesn't have capital letters, if I tried the link you
> gave, it would most likely fail, websites are case sensitive!

Filesystems on Un*x servers are case sensitive. Domain names are *not*
case-sensitive, so the URL should work.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.

Message 38837

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig! (slightly longer!!)
Date: 3 Dec 1999 0:24:1 +0000
Michael said, 

>> > "If you include a signature keep it short. Rule of thumb is no longer
> than
>> > 4 lines.
>> 1> Stephen Marriott -
>> 2> HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
>> 3> Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660
>> 4> PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027
>> 5>
>> Neil

> Yes...isn't is annoying when people tell you that your in the wrong...and
> then
> they go and go the same.

Lighten up for God's sake. I was joking, although you cut the ROTFL part

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Deliver a pizza? Whoever heard of a liver pizza?

Message 38838

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:09:12 +0000
On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 10:34:12PM +0100, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> pc mice dont do that?

They do, but the operating system doesn't.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38839

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 03 Dec 99 02:28:19 +0100
Hi Andy

> Which begs the question; why did it always get such
> high scores in reviews?

Use your imagination  ;P


Message 38840

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 3 Dec 99 01:33:34 +0000
On 3 Dec 1999 0:19:31 +0000, Neil Bothwick wibbled...

> Filesystems on Un*x servers are case sensitive. Domain names are *not*
> case-sensitive, so the URL should work.

Oddly though, I once entered a URL in mixed case, and it didn't work;
changing it all to lower case solved the problem.

The Wibble - Like The Blair Witch Project, but completely different to it
-- ICQ 28589940 --
- "I read The Wibble, and my boils immediately cleared up" - WJ, Cromer -
-------------------- Last Updated: 2nd December 1999 --------------------

Message 38841

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 03:08:30 +0200
   i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
|            HAPPY BIRTHDAY !            |

Message 38842

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:20:28 +0100
During a brief respite from his bout of amoebic dysentry, Daniel wrote:

> > - IANAL btw :)
> Do you? Keep your private life off the list.

Strange however that most lawyers are - makes you think :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38843

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:23:32 +0100
Ben was able to reply while still on the treadmill:

> > A voice of sanity in a field of Amiga users :)
> It would be if only a software company could rely on the products they've
> spent months on actually bringing in some cash. Three people have bought
> NetConnect 3 - the rest were upgrades. All the other sales have been lost
> to piracy.

3? Three? 3 copies - is that it?

Sheesh - I was one of those - I bought the NC3 & STFax4 bundle as I didn't
upgrade - so who were the other 2? The question being - what about the
others or did NC2 sell amazing well?

> > And they do - people like Power/Eyetech wouldn't be investing in new
> > products and the like if they didn't make money - they have to have a good
> They do, but it's actually a much safer bet investing in hardware because
> it's not so easy to pirate.

Fair comment.


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38844

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:41:10 +0100
Neil took a full 9 minutes to type:

> > Quite correct - the squabble between Active & the duplicators is irrelevant
> > to Chris' not having his software - Active need to sort that out in the
> > background, all the while keeping their legal obligation to their customers
> That's all well and good in theory, but Active haven't got any working
> CDs to send out, and won't have until the dispute with the duplicators
> is resolved. Since the duplicators are in the wrong, the time it takes
> to sort out is up to them. Sooner or later they'll have to admit defeat,
> unless Active give up, but it's likely to be later rather than sooner.

That, Neil, is called business :)

Shit happens - to everyone, everywhere. Regardless of Active's problem with
the duplicators, by selling a faulty CD to Chris, Active broke their legal
contract with him - he has all rights to sue them - in the same way that
someone could sue you or me for providing them with a "bronze" service when 
they had paid for the "gold" service.

Does Active have a CDR(W)? They made a master (you had a copy) - why don't
they do it again for the few that have problems and are willing to complain
- is that such a hard thing to do? They don't need to send out jewel cases
or inners - just the CD in a wallet in a jiffy bag - total materials = 1.50
- extra effort required=time. Do you work your butt off trying to get
your new customer online or do you just let them get pissed off by not
helping them? That's why you have a good rep. :)

> Taking a balanced view :)
Taking a balanced business perspective :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38845

From :Stephen <>
Subject: [afb] Digital Imaging :)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:56:50 +1000
Hi Folks,

Is there anyboddy out there that knows if it's possible to hook up a Hani=
Axis digital camera to the Amiga? These little beggars are a bargain if t=
hey do.
"Pocket sized digital camera. Inbuilt flash, focus free, 24-bit colour,
640*480 pixel resolution. Kit includes batteries, case, strap, serial cab=
and software on CD" (I know the CD would be useless)



-- =

Message 38846

Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 01:10:18 -0800
> > > Anyhow as long as they are better built than the Phase 5 PPC I
> > > have, should be OK. Overheats? Overheats? You can fry bacon on my
> Good I will put that on my list of things to buy....along with Wipout
> AmigaOS 3.5....I will have a happy chrissy!!

I've added quite a lot to my Amiga this year, so there are a
surprisingly small amount of things I want. I'm getting OS3.5, and,
since PowerC are making old phase5 PPC gubbinz again, a BVision
(eventually...). Probably go for PFS3 after xmas too, just to make that
PowerFlyered HD a little bit faster... ;)


Message 38847

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:48:17 +0000
Hi Michael,

>> shock support became 'the rage'. A feature which Nintendo managed to
>> do first.

> nintendos dual-shock was a shoddy addon.

Okay, I've kept quiet on this for more than a week, and I know it's kind of
my fault that the thread got started, but stop! At least discuss the PSX
port thingy that allows you to plug PSX pads into your *Amiga*, but only if
you know what you're talking about...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
!              This is a test of the emergency                !
!                 tagline stealing system                     !

Message 38848

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Hard disk drives.
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:50:31 -0800
Is there any advantage in haveing a 5.25" SCSI-2 hard drive over a 3.5"
one? The only advantage I'm really interested in is cost per MB.


-curry, who sold his PC as a slave to his Amiga
Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38849

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard disk drives.
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:56:59 +0100
xatiminey managed to scrawl in blood:

> Is there any advantage in haveing a 5.25" SCSI-2 hard drive over a 3.5"
> one? The only advantage I'm really interested in is cost per MB.

Ummm - when it dies, it's heavier so it makes a better doorstop?

There isn't really much of a difference - Quantum Bigfoots are pretty much
the fastest (IIRC) and they are 5.25", but that is about it. The only real
preference these days is - what size bay you have available to put it into.


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38850

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:54:56 +0000
Hi David,

> You have to order them from your bank. I went in the other day for
> some. 2 weeks they said. And they're trying to sell me a eurocheque
> card (so I can get money from cash machines in europe - i'm not even
> going there) which they're gonna charge me =A36 per year for.

And you don't need it anyway. I've been using my standard bank cards in
France and Germany at least for years now...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
      ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 38851

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:56:54 +0000
Hi M.,

> I think they introduced some weird bugs into Workbench regarding
> the rounding off of Gb and Mb, and HDToolbox seems to have picked
> up a few more...

Olaf Barthel arbitrarily decided that we should use 1000 base kilobytes,
megabytes and gigabytes instead of 1024 base, so that we matched drive
manufacturers specs. He got shouted down and now everything's back to 1024
(but not on the release CD).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 38852

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Shorting the sig!
Date: 3 Dec 1999 8:43:0 +0000
Daniel Thornton said, 

> On 3 Dec 1999 0:19:31 +0000, Neil Bothwick wibbled...

>> Filesystems on Un*x servers are case sensitive. Domain names are *not*
>> case-sensitive, so the URL should work.

> Oddly though, I once entered a URL in mixed case, and it didn't work;
> changing it all to lower case solved the problem.

That *shouldn't* happen, but it does sometimes. It usually means the DNS
server is operating incorrectly, probably a Microsoft one :-/

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Last words of a Windows user: = Why does that work now?

Message 38853

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:02:10 -0800
Ben Vost wrote:

> You can with the full version of C4D because it comes with MagicLink, which

Note that Magic link cannot convert PC caligari objects, only the amiga
version. Very annoying as I have some PC caligari objects I want to
convert, but I have to save them as dfx format to copy them, which
doesn't save material information.

> will convert them to C4D. However, there are very few existing C4D models
> around, mainly because its modeller is so hard to get a good result from...

Oh, I don't know about that - I rather like the wheel I made, and the
ion engine I'm currently working on. Its such a shame that boolean
subtractions dont add faces to the holes it makes in objects. Anyone
know how to get around this?

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38854

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:59:59 +0000
Hi Andy,

>> You can with the full version of C4D because it comes with
>> MagicLink, which will convert them to C4D. However, there are very
>> few existing C4D models around, mainly because its modeller is so
>> hard to get a good result from...

> Which begs the question; why did it always get such high scores in
> reviews?

It got reasonable reviews from us because it was very cheap for what it did,
and seemed relatively powerful at the time.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
daemons did it

Message 38855

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:03:17 +0000
Hi Morgan,

>> You don't say whether the drive is hooked up to your CyberSCSI or not, or
>> whether you've adjusted the NSDPatch.cfg in devs: to take your SCSI into
>> account (you need to uncomment the line at 439).

> Sorry, it's hooked to the CyberSCSI. I totally missed that
> NSDPatchthingummy, but  after altering it :PROBLEM SOLVED :D

>> I don't have the SCSI module on my CStorm, so I can't verify this.
> Seems to work now, thankyouthankyouthankyou!

Woohoo! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Are you on our Amiga Angels list yet?
             Help your fellow Amigan!

Message 38856

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:06:36 +0000
Hi Patrice,

> |            HAPPY BIRTHDAY !            |

Fanks, merci, arigato, danke, prego, obrigado, etc... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
     If at first you don't succeed, bugger.

Message 38857

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:15:32 -0000
> Nope they just ping back. Whereas snapping an n64 cart will 
> make it shatter all over the place
> Mash

Shall I continue this just to see how pedantic we can get?


Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38858

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Soundprobe (was Shorting the sig!)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:19:21 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> > > (BTW Steve, count me in for a copy of Soundprobe 3!)
> > 
> > Better Email Dave O'Reilly 
> > ATM there isn't much interest -
> >
> I mailed him two days ago. I just wanted to make sure YOU
> know that *I* want a copy!
Thanks...  If there isn't enough interest this won't happen.

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38859

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What the "heck" is going on???
Date: 3 Dec 99 10:38:23 +0000
On Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:37:26 +0100, Matthew O'Neill ( wrote:
> On 30-Nov-99, Frost wrote:
> > (If he doesn't stop complaining the newbie could end up on a Analytical
> > Engine by the end of the week!)
> Or inside Lovelace's pants ;) (if y' not old enough, or haven't taken a
> computing A-level, I ain't explaining :))

Ooooh, Ada!

The question is, was Babbage having a bit of a fling with the Countess?

Kev, who did Ada programming at uni in York.  Which was nice.

PS I will tell you - Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace (1815-52), was
daughter of Lord Byron, and the assistant and patron of Charles Babbage. 
She worked on his mechanical analytical engine, and thus in a way could be
considered the world's first programmer!  Whether she just used it to write
a database of knitting patterns or great recipes will remain forever
unknown ...

Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38860

From :Stephen Marriott <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amigas in industry
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:53:51 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> > Saracens Head in Luton. 
> Thats the one :) how do you know btw?

Been there a few times...

Stephen Marriott -
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

Message 38861

From :David Jackson <>
Subject: [afb] Happy birthday!
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:04:19 +0000
Hello, ben 

Just a quick note to wish you a happy 31st birthday

See ya Dave :))))))))))))))))))))) smiles for miles
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 38862

Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 03:07:21 -0800
> > first products will dribble out before Christmas, but the real
> > will be available before the end of January.

So does this mean that I might actually get my hands on my beloved
BVision *before* Christmas?


Message 38863

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:23:35 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> Oh, fine - in that case, all that's required is an APUS kernel and a PPC
> package of the Amiga bootloader. And some boot floppies. So why hasn't
> anyone ported Debian to Amiga PPC, then?

?? Debian *IS* on Amiga PPC


Message 38864

From :"Chris Green" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:27:45 -0000
Hi Tudor

> Sheesh - I was one of those - I bought the NC3 & STFax4 bundle as I didn't
> upgrade - so who were the other 2?

I think I must also be one of thre three - as I bought the same bundle as

Chris Green
Technical Editor - Computing
VNU Business Publications, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London, W1A 2HG
Fax: +44 (0)207 316 9160      Email:
ICQ: 10921400                 URL:

Message 38865

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: WipeOut 64
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:34:36 +0000 (GMT)

> the graphics are blurry. The analogue pad makes it easier

that'll be the N64's antialiasing to full effect then ;-)

> than the PSX version, but I think there are a lot of things
> missing (I liked some of the weapons) and the popup is
> horrendous.

analogue control is nice....controlling WipeOut on the Amiga with the
mouse give it a whole new edge
> Go and get Star Wars: Racer and see *REAL* Antigrav racing ;)

> The Amiga version is better than the PSX version is better
> than the N64 version.

at last! the Amiga gets good

Message 38866

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:37:10 +0000 (GMT)
On 2 Dec 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> The serial number for the CU version of MagicLink is 043@=A3$$%=A3 NO CAR=

;-) that got you too eh? The serial number is actually 043A\"B!! >

Connection Timeout

Message 38867

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:38:13 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Michael wrote:

> The Playstation is easy to program....remember thoose blue
> programmable know the ones where anything
> you make on them offical balongs to Sony (if you try and publish it!)

NetYaroze was a clever idea, but badly implemented with poor development

Message 38868

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 18:37:59 +0100
On 02-Dec-99, Andrew McCombe wrote:

> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how, and also does anyone
> know of a cd that has C4d Models on? The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much
> with it, and without a manual I am learning the program through trial &
> error.

Umm, I'd say no. Imagine can save as imagine, dxf, lightwave and 3d studio,
but C4d can't even load dxf :/, so its a bit pants

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Margaret, I'll trade my maintenance for your nurse-looking-after.-Hawk

Message 38869

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Gameboys (long avanced warning!!!)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:44:16 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> Okay, I've kept quiet on this for more than a week, and I know it's kind of
> my fault that the thread got started, but stop! At least discuss the PSX
> port thingy that allows you to plug PSX pads into your *Amiga*, but only if
> you know what you're talking about...

:-) havent got one..yet...but i will do...give my pads a better home ;-)


Message 38870

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: 3 Dec 99 11:46:06 +0000
On Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:03:17 +0000, Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Morgan,
> >> You don't say whether the drive is hooked up to your CyberSCSI or not, or
> >> whether you've adjusted the NSDPatch.cfg in devs: to take your SCSI into
> >> account (you need to uncomment the line at 439).
> > Sorry, it's hooked to the CyberSCSI. I totally missed that
> > NSDPatchthingummy, but  after altering it :PROBLEM SOLVED :D
> >> I don't have the SCSI module on my CStorm, so I can't verify this.
> > Seems to work now, thankyouthankyouthankyou!
> Woohoo! :)

Erm, I've done absolutely no faffing with the NSDPatch.cfg on my
A4000/CyberStormPPC yet my new UW hard drive works fine on it (okay it's
only 4.3Gb).  However, do I need to change this file to reflect the devices
that I do have installed or something, to improve operations?



Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38871

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: 3 Dec 99 11:46:45 +0000
On Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:06:36 +0000, Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Patrice,
> > |            HAPPY BIRTHDAY !            |
> Fanks, merci, arigato, danke, prego, obrigado, etc... :)

Hey Ben, it's your birthday?

Drinks are on you, then ....  ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38872

From :"David Jackson" <>
Subject: [afb] Birthday
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:03:39 -0800
Happy 31st Birthday Ben

:)))))))))))))))) smiles for miles

Message 38873

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC stuff from phase 5 to be made by Power
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:05:00 +0000

> So does this mean that I might actually get my hands on my beloved
> BVision *before* Christmas?

There's a titchy, tiny chance...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
      Get your news first through Amiga Format
        With 13 issues a year we're the best.

Message 38874

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:25:02 +0000
Hi Kevin,

> Erm, I've done absolutely no faffing with the NSDPatch.cfg on my
> A4000/CyberStormPPC yet my new UW hard drive works fine on it (okay it's
> only 4.3Gb). However, do I need to change this file to reflect the devices
> that I do have installed or something, to improve operations?

Only if you need the NSD stuff (for drives bigger than 4G).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be in the next issue of 
Amiga Format? Go to

Message 38875

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:25:38 +0000
Hi Kevin,

> Hey Ben, it's your birthday?

> Drinks are on you, then ....  ;-)

Nooo, drinks are *in* me, hic...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 38876

Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:48:02 -0800
Happy Birthday Ben. But here is a question for you to ponder; why are
you working? I guess you have to if your the editor of AF (can't show
the underlings your weak side). ;)


Message 38877

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:45:23 +0000

> Happy Birthday Ben. But here is a question for you to ponder; why are
> you working? I guess you have to if your the editor of AF (can't show
> the underlings your weak side). ;)

I'd love to take the day off to play with my new pressies, but there's too
much to do!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: runt packets

Message 38878

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:55:03 -0800
"alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 
> why? AROS is just trying to mimic AmigaOS functions....and it hasnt
> there yet - it also mimics inefficiently.
but it mimics it on the PPC,.. or Intel or anything..

> > Aros is 60% complete, this means that given a few months work over
> > the OS could be running on PPC hardware NATIVE !!!!!!, given H&P's
help and
> but at what price? why use AROS if the real AmigaOS was ported?
about zero ukp,.. why use aros cos you would have to port 35mb less
source code, you have any idea how much time that would save...?

> hang on, first you want AmigaOS/ you want Linux? make up
> mind!
I said i doubt it will happen cos 1: people cant read (hint), and 2: AI
have no power, H&P are the ones. Linux is (has) happend, infact it runs
on PPC amiga now,.. 

> QNX has LOTS of industry support....its where QNX is based
Hense the reason why nobody heard of it before the jumped in bed with
And all amigas (industrial) partners said thay wouldnt support it.

> but you want to use Linux? You need a microkernel, not a monolithic
> then!
please wake up,.. a microkernel linux would be a killer,..

> - Garenteed critical action responce times.
> you already said real-time
Nortell Networks (17, billion turnover), say there is a diffrence,
real-time is the user perseption, but a garenteed responce time, is
soild as a rock, I WILL RESPOND IN 10ms, to your packet request.


Message 38879

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 12:58:38 +0000
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:23:35AM +0000, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> ?? Debian *IS* on Amiga PPC

It's not part of the Debian tree though, is it? I haven't seen any mention
of APUS on the PPC section of their website, and I'm pretty sure nobody's
working on Amiga bootfloppies...

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38880

From :"Alan Sheriff" <>
Subject: [afb] Picasso IV woes :(
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:59:31 -0800
In October I pre-ordered a Picasso IV, Paloma IV & video adapter from
BLittersoft, after being told they were currently in a final production
run, & I needed to move quickly to be sure to get one. 
2 weeks later I phoned up to be told delivery would be in 3-4 weeks as
the run had just started, but I would recieve them in late November, or
early December.
I`ve just recieved a reply from Villagetronic themselves, saying they
aren`t even sure if they will do another run, as they still need
another 250 pre-orders before they will make any more cards.

I`m pretty p*****d off with Blittersoft for leading me on. "Oh, yes
sir, you`ll definately have the cards before Christmas".

I don`t expect a reply, I just wanted a bit of a rant.


Message 38881

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...
Date: 03 Dec 99 23:21:11 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Ben Vost <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 18:56:54
 Re:  [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...

Hi Ben,

> Hi M.,

>> I think they introduced some weird bugs into Workbench regarding
>> the rounding off of Gb and Mb, and HDToolbox seems to have picked
>> up a few more...

> Olaf Barthel arbitrarily decided that we should use 1000 base kilobytes,
> megabytes and gigabytes instead of 1024 base, so that we matched drive
> manufacturers specs. He got shouted down and now everything's back to 1024
> (but not on the release CD).

It's about damn time this got renamed.  Kilo means one thousand, no
matter what base system you use to write the numbers in.  Whether that
be as one time ten to the third power, or anything else. 1024 (decimal)
bytes is *not* one thousand anythings in any way shape or form.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38882

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 05:01:39 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> He said, spelling every other word wrong ;)
I cant spell, you cant read,... a perfect combination..

> Amiga Inc. is not being stubborn. Have you used AROS lately?
> Have you programmed on or for it?
None has its not a full (or useable) system,..

> > > Nice, but it has 0.01% industry support, and linux will 
> > > steam roller it in time. 
> LOL! You a fool :) QNX *IS* the industry :)
Is this the industry in a parallel universe that only you and QNX
reside within, ?, on our planet everyone uses windows or unix/linux,
and i want HARD FACTS to prove otherwise.


Message 38883

Subject: [afb] Re: Genectic Species (link gaming)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 05:06:23 -0800
"andrew mccombe" <> wrote: 
original article:
> > Can someone tell me if you can do link gaming with genetic species
as i
> > am thinking of buying it if you can do link gaming with it.
> No - GS is one player only.

Ok then what games are there that are 'doom clones' and support link
gaming by either modem or serial link.


Message 38884

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:07:21 +0100
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:27:45AM -0000, Chris Green wrote:

> > Sheesh - I was one of those - I bought the NC3 & STFax4 bundle as I didn't
> > upgrade - so who were the other 2?
> I think I must also be one of thre three - as I bought the same bundle as
> you!

Hang on - that means that my copy might not work - I only installed Genesis
off it so far - I will try it over the weekend. If it doesn't work... I shall
become another irate customer - if it does work - well, I'll still back you
up of course - hey, we could do a class action lawsuit against Active - all
we need is a free lawyer who will handle a 99.98 civil action...


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38885

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: 3 Dec 99 13:08:26 +0000
On Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:25:38 +0000, Ben Vost ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> > Hey Ben, it's your birthday?
> > Drinks are on you, then ....  ;-)
> Nooo, drinks are *in* me, hic...

Not just you.  Did you know you share your birthday with Ossy Osbourne and
Daryl Hannah?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38886

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:08:54 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > He said, spelling every other word wrong ;)
> I cant spell, you cant read,... a perfect combination..

> > Amiga Inc. is not being stubborn. Have you used AROS lately?
> > Have you programmed on or for it?
> None has its not a full (or useable) system,..

Thankyou very much for proving my point entirely.
> > > > Nice, but it has 0.01% industry support, and linux will 
> > > > steam roller it in time. 
> >
> > LOL! You a fool :) QNX *IS* the industry :)
> Is this the industry in a parallel universe that only you and QNX
> reside within, on our planet everyone uses windows or unix/linux,
> and i want HARD FACTS to prove otherwise.

Ahem. QNX Neutrino *is* a Unix. It practically *rules* the RTOS
industry, if you hadn't noticed, and it's fully POSIX compliant
which means that damn near every Unix app on the planet can be
modified to support it.

The comment about how 'Linux will steam roller it' is complete
rubbish - they are two completely different markets.

If Linux suddenly turned into a microkernel and ditched X, then
it might steam roller it (although not through technical merit)
but what you seem to have misunderstood is that QSSL aren't going
into the desktop business, aren't trying to compete directly
with anyone, and AREN'T relying on a small group of users to
love it (i.e. you lot).

They have customers banging on their doors to use Neutrino for
everything. They aren't banking on phase5, met@box or anybody,
least of all the PEOPLE.


You just don't get it, and I can't explain it to you without
breaking one of three NDAs, and possibly baffling everyone.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38887

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Picasso IV woes :(
Date: 3 Dec 99 13:10:59 +0000
On Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:59:31 -0800, Alan Sheriff ( wrote:

> I`m pretty p*****d off with Blittersoft for leading me on. "Oh, yes
> sir, you`ll definately have the cards before Christmas".

In March I ordered a CyberStormPPC and a ConciertoIV for my P4, both from
Blittersoft.  I was told that I would have both cards within 2 months.

After 6 months I cancelled both.  I managed to procure a CyberStormPPC by
phoning White Knight Technologies, but couldn't source a Concierto
anywhere.  i'm now waiting for a Prelude direct from Germany.


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267

Message 38888

Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 05:12:21 -0800
Can we guess how old you are? 

Message 38889

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: 03 Dec 99 23:43:18 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Ben Vost <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 21:25:02
 Re:  [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)

Hi Ben,

> Hi Kevin,

>> Erm, I've done absolutely no faffing with the NSDPatch.cfg on my
>> A4000/CyberStormPPC yet my new UW hard drive works fine on it (okay it's
>> only 4.3Gb). However, do I need to change this file to reflect the devices
>> that I do have installed or something, to improve operations?

> Only if you need the NSD stuff (for drives bigger than 4G).

Which begs the question:  Why do the docs (for it) talk about applying
it to other things (parallel, serial, keyboard device, etc.)?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38890

From :David Steele <10454985@Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Subject: [afb] Vista Pro DEMS
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:18:58 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
Hi people;

 I`ve been playing around with an old vista pro coverdisk and 
have decided that DEMS from closer to home would be useful. Mars 
is a bit far way, so is most of America :))
 Does anyone know where I can get DEM files from the UK, 
preferably Northern Ireland???? I searched the net last night 
for ages, but couldn`t find anything.


DJAMIGO: Student of Biochem at QUB
         Powered by AMIGA & ATP

Message 38891

From :"xatiminey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 13:13:07 -0800
> I'd love to take the day off to play with my new pressies, 

Whatdya get? Whatdya get?

Not socks again, surley, cos you can't play with them.


Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38892

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 13:20:52 -0000
> > > only 4.3Gb). However, do I need to change this file to 
> > > reflect the devices that I do have installed or something,
> > > to improve operations?
> > Only if you need the NSD stuff (for drives bigger than 4G).
> Which begs the question:  Why do the docs (for it) talk about applying
> it to other things (parallel, serial, keyboard device, etc.)?

I think you've taken Ben's answer too literally :) 
NSD simply adds 64bit support to all devices and some neat query
functions. It means one day if there's a 64-bit keyboard or a
mouse that requires 64-bits of accuracy for it's smoothness (or
maybe for the wheel position) or if you want to record 64bit
data from a some freak experimental device at a university, you

It's just that in it's most popular form, it lets you have 64bit
disk support (>4Gb)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38893

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Genectic Species (link gaming)
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 14:03:33 -0000
> > > Can someone tell me if you can do link gaming with genetic species
> as i
> > > am thinking of buying it if you can do link gaming with it.
> >
> > No - GS is one player only.
> Ok then what games are there that are 'doom clones' and support link
> gaming by either modem or serial link.

Well, theres Gloom Deluxe, thats the only one I know to.  Xtreme Racing is
also a good game that uses the serial port function.  I've never tried it
though as my serial port is taken with my MIDI interface.

Message 38894

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)
Date: 04 Dec 99 00:38:57 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 22:20:52
 Re:  [afb] Re: Kind of a prob...lem solved 8-)

Hi Sealey,,

>>>> only 4.3Gb). However, do I need to change this file to 
>>>> reflect the devices that I do have installed or something,
>>>> to improve operations?

>>> Only if you need the NSD stuff (for drives bigger than 4G).
>> Which begs the question:  Why do the docs (for it) talk about applying
>> it to other things (parallel, serial, keyboard device, etc.)?

> I think you've taken Ben's answer too literally :) 
> NSD simply adds 64bit support to all devices and some neat query
> functions. It means one day if there's a 64-bit keyboard or a
> mouse that requires 64-bits of accuracy for it's smoothness (or
> maybe for the wheel position) or if you want to record 64bit
> data from a some freak experimental device at a university, you
> can.
> It's just that in it's most popular form, it lets you have 64bit
> disk support (>4Gb)

I still wonder how that applies to the keyboard, unless it grows to
mammoth proportions, or the serial port, which, strictly speaking,
data-wise, really only is *one* bit of streamed data.  ;-)

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38895

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 06:12:09 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> Thankyou very much for proving my point entirely.
I will go even futher and say that aros will never be a full os,.. but
what it is a is portable half finnished version of amigaos,.. which
means that if people were to co-operate, amiga inc have half there os
allready available and working on the PPC,.. now thats cut PPC OS
development time in half at least. 

> Ahem. QNX Neutrino *is* a Unix. It practically *rules* the RTOS
> industry, if you hadn't noticed, and it's fully POSIX compliant
> which means that damn near every Unix app on the planet can be
> modified to support it.
Yes,.. like every program could be modified to work under ixemul and
amigaos, but thay are not, becuase the amiga does not have a high
enough profile to make people want to port there applications to it.
> The comment about how 'Linux will steam roller it' is complete
> rubbish - they are two completely different markets.
One very large one and one very small one, in terms of installed user
base and developers.
> If Linux suddenly turned into a microkernel and ditched X, then
> it might steam roller it (although not through technical merit)
I think its the only logical path for linux, over the next few years.
If it is going to really get a wide market grip,.. 

Since when did technical merit count for anything, (note here the OS me
and you are using for this..!) as well as 90% of the world.

> but what you seem to have misunderstood is that QSSL aren't going
> into the desktop business, aren't trying to compete directly
> with anyone
No desktop, so what will i put on my new amiga desktop ?, ough so you
have just counted QSSL out then,.. which is a pitty cos its quite good
(and technicaly exelent)


Message 38896

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga CD
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:14:01 +0000 (GMT)
On 2 Dec 1999, David Monk wrote:

> I've used MakeCD3.2 and MasterISO2.0 (I Think). The drive is set as secondary
> slave on an  original powerflyer secondary master being a Phillips X32 CD-ROM.
> MakeCD sort of works, throws up loads of errors and wont erase a disk and
> wont simply copy a disk.
> MasterISO just doesn't work at all

with MakeCD, did you select the right drive?

I dont have a PowerFlyer, i do all of my stuff with a basic IDE-Buffer
4-way from eyetech
> It works flawlessly in the Pc using the supplied WinOnCD software.

On PC's, I use the CeQuadrat software, not the 'drag'n'drop' stuff, to
backup files for home use.


Message 38897

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:08:35 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Pekka Sippola wrote:

> > least you're not running prepareemul too! :-)
> Must make a test! ...OK, like earlier it must be started from shell, it
> freezes the S-S.

;-) if you've a PPC casrd, then use the FlashROMs Mac-allocate instead


Message 38898

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Hard disk drives.
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:18:37 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, xatiminey wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any advantage in haveing a 5.25" SCSI-2 hard drive over a 3.5"
> one? The only advantage I'm really interested in is cost per MB.

5.25 should be cheaper and faster xfer - as they can reach higher


Message 38899

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:11:40 +0000 (GMT)
On 3 Dec 1999, Tim Seifert wrote:

> And what about:  "I've given up all hope."

what about it? in this case we come round and take all your Amiga stuff
off your hands for free ;-)


Message 38900

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: NTL
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:06:02 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> Could someone send me a config file for netconnect (1) or miami please? I've
> got all the servers and so on, but it just commits suicide when trying to
> verify the DNS servers.

in Miami, go to the settings and switch of the 'verify DNS' part.


Message 38901

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:21:51 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Tudor Davies wrote:

> > to piracy.
> 3? Three? 3 copies - is that it?

yes...but how many upgrades were there?

for myself, i use miami to connect, and i've personally reg'd some of
the other software already...I would have bought the bundle if it had
been around before my miami purchase though.


Message 38902

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:18:40 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Matthew

On 03-Dec-99, you wrote:

>> QNX has LOTS of industry support....its where QNX is based
> Hense the reason why nobody heard of it before the jumped in bed with
> amiga.

That's not true at all. Some of us have been reading about QNX for years.

They used to advertise and get coverage all the time in Byte.


Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38903

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:17:34 +0000
Hi Kevin,

> Not just you.  Did you know you share your birthday with Ossy Osbourne and
> Daryl Hannah?

Yep, just wish there were more of my heroes born on 3/12

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Amiga Format - your only alternative is computing suicide...

Message 38904

From :"Richard Drummond" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:21:15 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Matt

On 03-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Ahem. QNX Neutrino *is* a Unix. It practically *rules* the RTOS
> industry, if you hadn't noticed, and it's fully POSIX compliant
> which means that damn near every Unix app on the planet can be
> modified to support it.

QNX is not really a UNIX. It doesn't have any UNIX code. It does, however,
have a POSIX interface.

Richard Drummond
Staff Writer, Amiga Format

pgp   :
phone : +44 (0)1225 442244 ext 2417

Message 38905

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:20:05 +0000

> Can we guess how old you are? 

It doesn't really work saying "Ben only" on a mailing list, does it? Also,
as much as I like to receive greetings, it is rather using up bandwidth on
this list, so anyone wanting to lavish birthday wishes on me should send
them to my private, or home, address.

Oh yeah, and I'm 31.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.

Message 38906

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:38:16 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > Thankyou very much for proving my point entirely.
> I will go even futher and say that aros will never be a full os,.. but
> what it is a is portable half finnished version of amigaos,.. which
> means that if people were to co-operate, amiga inc have half there os
> allready available and working on the PPC,.. now thats cut PPC OS
> development time in half at least. 

How? As Alan has already said, AROS only mimics AmigaOS - to make sure
that AROS is doing everything AmigaOS does would take A LOT of time,
they can't just implement it and hope AROS did a good enough job.

The time you save by using other people's code is negated by the fact
that you can't trust that code to be 100% accurate - which the AmigaOS
sources already are.

Plus AROS includes some 'enhancements' to the AmigaOS that would
make straight merging even more difficult.
> > Ahem. QNX Neutrino *is* a Unix. It practically *rules* the RTOS
> > industry, if you hadn't noticed, and it's fully POSIX compliant
> > which means that damn near every Unix app on the planet can be
> > modified to support it.
> Yes,.. like every program could be modified to work under ixemul and
> amigaos

No, it's similar, but fundamentally much more simple. i.e. ixemul
emulates a Unix/POSIX interface for a system that doesn't have on

QNX Neutrino IS a POSIX-based Unix. The only difference? Well, there
are none. If you program an app for X, you can compile it for your
processor and have it run under QSSL's X port.

The advantages wouldn't be as apparent as porting the X code to
Photon, but 99/100 it would compile and run straight off the blocks.

If you don't beleive me, go ask one of the QNX engineers, read the
Cologne IRC logs with Greenboy (Phoenix) and William Bull.

> but thay are not, becuase the amiga does not have a high
> enough profile to make people want to port there applications
> to it.

The Amiga sure doesn't have a high enough profile, but are you 
saying that QNX doesn't either? You're twisted! You're deluded!

Do you know how much respect QNX have from bigtime developers?

The world isn't just about OpenSource coding for the most
popular Unix on the planet - and even if it WAS, the OpenSourced
source would compile for Neutrino anyway. Instant port! Instant

> > The comment about how 'Linux will steam roller it' is complete
> > rubbish - they are two completely different markets.
> One very large one and one very small one, in terms of installed
> user base and developers.

Now you ARE kidding, right?

> > If Linux suddenly turned into a microkernel and ditched X, then
> > it might steam roller it (although not through technical merit)
> I think its the only logical path for linux, over the next few years.
> If it is going to really get a wide market grip.. 
> Since when did technical merit count for anything, (note here 
> the OS me and you are using for this..!) as well as 90% of the
> world.

It just so happens that Windows 2000 beat off about 3 different
systems for our newest computing service here. Technical merit
played an enormous part, in that it's the easiest to support,
the easiest to work around, and the cheapest to implement by
far.. (yes, you read that right)

If you're a professional, technical merit counts for a lot. If
you're just some plodding, uninformed user (not you personally)
then it doesn't, popularity is king.

But who said that being popular was the same thing as being
successful? Who says that QNX need to be a successful desktop
player, when they have countless millions filling the bank
from every other field in computing?

> > but what you seem to have misunderstood is that QSSL aren't going
> > into the desktop business, aren't trying to compete directly
> > with anyone
> No desktop, so what will i put on my new amiga desktop ?, ough so you
> have just counted QSSL out then,.. which is a pitty cos its quite good
> (and technicaly exelent)


You've COMPLETELY misunderstood, yet again.

Windows is a desktop OS. MacOS is a desktop OS. Linux is a desktop OS,
or at least it would love to be one, given the chance.

QNX Neutrino is *not* (predominantly) a desktop OS. It was never intended
to be marketted solely at that level. It fills the shoes of being a
desktop OS VERY well (as you say, it's technically excellent, but I
wonder how you know that having never used it) but it is *NOT* being
built and marketted as the single most powerful desktop solution, and it
*NOT* simply for one goal.

The beauty of an RTOS such as QNX Neutrino is that it does many many
things extremely well. Remember this OS is the one Amiga were going to
use FOR EVERYTHING before they went for Linux for the MCC, and some
undefined RTOS for their PDA solution. Imagine, QNX Neutrino on your
desktop, on your PDA, inside your microwave, controlling the
power station which powers the chip factory, which runs Neutrino
to control the production of your PPC, which is in your OTHER
desktop. Think multiple uses, multiple benefits.

I think you're being a little more than simply narrow minded here,

Don't expect that Linux will forever be popular, or ever be any good..

Don't think that QNX will fail just because they don't have this
silly notion of 'momentum' behind them..

Don't underestimate the power and respect QNX have gained, simply
because you haven't seen it installed on somebody's home PC..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38907

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:41:56 -0000
> Hi Matt
> On 03-Dec-99, you wrote:
> > Ahem. QNX Neutrino *is* a Unix. It practically *rules* the RTOS
> > industry, if you hadn't noticed, and it's fully POSIX compliant
> > which means that damn near every Unix app on the planet can be
> > modified to support it.
> QNX is not really a UNIX. It doesn't have any UNIX code. It 
> does, however, have a POSIX interface.

You're right, it isn't a Unix, because it doesn't use any
Unix code. But it certainly works like a Unix, plays like
a Unix, and feels like a Unix.

In fact, it looks pretty Unixey from here.. 

(you didn't hear that last bit :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38908

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:46:33 +0100
Matt reshaped various internal organs and stated:

> In fact, it looks pretty Unixey from here.. 
> (you didn't hear that last bit :)

Correct - we read it :)

So would that be an x86 or 68k version - if you were to have to such a thing


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38909

Subject: [afb] Re: Genectic Species (link gaming)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 06:47:17 -0800
> > Ok then what games are there that are 'doom clones' and support link
> > gaming by either modem or serial link.
> Well, theres Gloom Deluxe, thats the only one I know to.  Xtreme
Racing is
> also a good game that uses the serial port function.

Ab3D, Ab3DII, and lets not forget Knights of the Sky! Best damn serial
game in the world... ever!


Message 38910

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:49:32 -0000
> > QNX has LOTS of industry support....its where QNX is based
> Hence the reason why nobody heard of it before the jumped in
> bed with Amiga. 

Ahem. I think you'll find that it was more "Amiga jumped into
bed with QNX" than the reverse that you imply.

> And all Amiga's (industrial) partners said thay wouldn't
> support it.

That's a COMPLETE lie - who told you that? Which partners
where they, then?

If I find out that you got that from usenet or some stupid
ill-informed mystery poster on some forum, I'm not going to
be too happy about how many people you've brainwashed with

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38911

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:52:52 -0000
> Matt reshaped various internal organs and stated:
> > In fact, it looks pretty Unixey from here.. 
> > (you didn't hear that last bit :)
> Correct - we read it :)
> So would that be an x86 or 68k version - if you were
> to have such a thing :)

If such a thing was to happen, it certainly wouldn't
be a 68k version (I don't have any 68k machines to hand
at work, and Neutrino isn't going to be available for it
anyway) so I would presume that any 'thing' would have
to be based on the Intel x86 architecture, more
specifically a PC.

Not that it bears any relevance to this URL
( or the
part of the document that is headed "What will
the beta development package include?"



Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38912

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 06:57:15 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> Ahem. I think you'll find that it was more "Amiga jumped into
> bed with QNX" than the reverse that you imply.
true,.. and boy did they jump,..

> That's a COMPLETE lie - who told you that? Which partners
> where they, then?
Jim Collas reasons for using linux over qnx, please refer to relivant
executive update, on were he said our partners
were not willing to support another operating system, there efforts are
concintrated on linux and windows.

> If I find out that you got that from usenet or some stupid
> ill-informed mystery poster on some forum, I'm not going to
> be too happy about how many people you've brainwashed with
> it..
i would be stupid to belive anything anyone said on a mailing 
list,.. right?

Message 38913

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:58:41 +0100
Matt rewrote the Matrix code on the fly and said:

> If such a thing was to happen, it certainly wouldn't
> be a 68k version (I don't have any 68k machines to hand
> at work, and Neutrino isn't going to be available for it
> anyway) so I would presume that any 'thing' would have
> to be based on the Intel x86 architecture, more
> specifically a PC.

I then had a thought that it may be a MIPS box or somthing similar - you do
work in DSS - generally big boxes :)

> Not that it bears any relevance to this URL
> ( or the
> part of the document that is headed "What will
> the beta development package include?"
> <grin>
> Shhhh!

Its been said before and I'll say it again - Matt is in a minority :)
I won't tell anyone if you don't - but is anyone from QSSL on the list
<panic> looks like there isn't </panic>.


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38914

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:54:21 GMT
From what I've read about QNX it does sound very good. (I can't say 
any more than that having never used it) 
The Phoenix lot seem to want to run it on some sort of Amiga/PPC 
hardware, but why? Why not just use QNX on a pop board or a PC, which 
would be cheaper and more powerful. Your Amiga programs will need 
some sort of emulation, but they would on the Phoenix platform anyway.


Message 38915

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 03 Dec 99 14:52:32 +0100
On 3. Dec 1999, Matthew O'Neill wrote:

> On 02-Dec-99, Andrew McCombe wrote:

>> Can I use Imagine models in Cinema 4D? If so, how,
>> and also does anyone know of a cd that has C4d
>> Models on? The CU Coverdisk doesn't have much with
>> it, and without a manual I am learning the program
>> through trial & error.

> Umm, I'd say no. Imagine can save as imagine, dxf,
> lightwave and 3d studio, but C4d can't even load dxf
> :/, so its a bit pants

> Mash -

Well, you are certainly doing your best to live up to
your nickname  :)

The Amiga Cinema4D conversion tool MagicLink V3.2
(18.1.96) converts beetween the following formats:

  Caligari, C4D, DXF, Fastray, Imagine, Lightwave,
  PageRender, Reflections, Sculpt and Videoscape.

Also it saves in Real3D format.

The conversion is not limited to objects.  For some
formats part of the environment is also preserved,
ie. lightsources and/or materials/textures/hierarchies.

But Maxon has dropped the Amiga, so the program
naturally cannot cope with new and extended formats.



Message 38916

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: 03 Dec 99 15:47:43 +0100
On 2. Dec 1999, Alan L. M. Buxey wrote:

> On 2 Dec 1999, Neil Bothwick wrote:

>> The serial number for the CU version of MagicLink
>> is 043@$$% NO CARRIER

> ;-) that got you too eh? The serial number is
> actually 043A\"B!! >

> Connection Timeout

Andrew, let us presume that you bought CU Amiga with
the CUCD.  As the C4D serial number was not included,
you asked the publisher, EMAP, for the number.

However, you now find that you did not receive the
serial number for the Magic Link conversion tool.

In such a case, although one year has passed,
I believe that EMAP still are legally bound to give
out the Magic Link serial number.

Both contract and consumer laws apply to this case.
Make a formal application to EMAP, and be sure to
send it by registered mail.




Message 38917

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:51:55 +0000
Hello Neil

>> Well, all sent off now, so hopefully I should have GoldEd before too l=
>> but you would think that we the EU having their foot in our proverbial=
>> we would have such things as EuroCheques by now.  Ben, you travel a lo=
t. Do
>> you have these problems?
> =

> Barclays do Eurocheques. I posted one on a Wednesday evening and got
> GoldED on the Friday :)

Well, my branch doesnt.  As I have an account with them it was the first =
place I tried.  Then the post office, then HSBC, the Llyods, then Nationw=
ide, Thomas Cook (NEVER use them) and lastly Travel Choice.


> =

>> Saying that, if Eilert was to accept credit cards this would all have =
>> *sooo* much easier!
> =

> And what's this lark about the latest update only being on CD? OK, 10DM=

> isn't a lot, but then he charges another 10DM for sending it out,
> instead of making it available for download.
> =

Really?  Ooh, what a pain.  It would also have been easier if the half pr=
ice ticket could have been used with a UK distributer, but no. Not to be.=

> =

> Neil
-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38918

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:58:36 +0000
Hello Chris

On 03-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Hi Tudor
> =

>> Sheesh - I was one of those - I bought the NC3 & STFax4 bundle as I di=
>> upgrade - so who were the other 2?
> =

> I think I must also be one of thre three - as I bought the same bundle =
> you!

Well, I bought the NetConnect3/STFax4 package from Active before NC3 was =
out so I got NC2 and STFax 3.8 then got sent NC3 and STFax4, so does this=
 count as a upgrade?  Answer my own question - yes, it is i suppose.

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC or #Pub

Message 38919

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:59:18 GMT
> In fact, it looks pretty Unixey from here.. 
No, it's just big-boned.

Message 38920

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:06:08 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > Ahem. I think you'll find that it was more "Amiga jumped into
> > bed with QNX" than the reverse that you imply.
> true,.. and boy did they jump,..

What do you mean?

Oh, and can you PLEASE quit with the constant
> > That's a COMPLETE lie - who told you that? Which partners
> > where they, then?
> Jim Collas reasons for using linux over qnx, please refer
> to relivant executive update, on

Which isn't there anymore. Awww, shame for you.

> > If I find out that you got that from usenet or some stupid
> > ill-informed mystery poster on some forum, I'm not going to
> > be too happy about how many people you've brainwashed with
> > it..
> I would be stupid to belive anything anyone said on a mailing 
> list,.. right?

That depends on who you're talking about, to be honest.

I would beleive Richard or Ben, Andrew Korn, Neil Bothwick,
Tim Seifert, maybe Alan Buxey on a good day, myself of course,
Chris Green.. there are a few others who's names I have
forgotten.. all very qualified to talk about what they talk
about, of course.

But there are people here (well over 750 of them ;) that I
wouldn't trust to bring me concise and conclusive evidence
of something if their life depended on it ;)

They are, by definition, students.

I'd like to know what YOU do for a living, Matt Fletcher..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38921

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:09:03 -0000
> From what I've read about QNX it does sound very good. (I can't say 
> any more than that having never used it) 
> The Phoenix lot seem to want to run it on some sort of Amiga/PPC 
> hardware, but why? Why not just use QNX on a pop board or a PC, which 
> would be cheaper and more powerful. Your Amiga programs will need 
> some sort of emulation, but they would on the Phoenix platform anyway.

You've just answered your own questions, to be honest. Don't
underestimate Phoenix just because *Ben* doesn't 'beleive' in them.

The Amiga/PPC route is a migrationary tool. i.e. if you can't afford
an entire new system case and all, you'd rather just buy the processor,
right? And as a transistion, you'd like to still be able to run your
old applications until replacements were available.

If you don't have an Amiga, you can get a POP board. If you have an
Amiga but are willing to go for broke, get a POP board. Or just a
supported PC. It doesn't matter, really.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38922

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?
Date: 04 Dec 99 01:03:49 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
 To:  dan <>
 On:  03-Dec-99 23:11:40
 Re:  [afb] Re: POLL: 02/12/99 - Who's Optimistic?

Hi Alan,

>> And what about:  "I've given up all hope."

> what about it? in this case we come round and take all your Amiga stuff
> off your hands for free ;-)

*You'd* have a very long trip to do that.  ;-)

But seriously, I need a new computer, and unfortunately, I need to run
some of the blasted Windows stuff, so had to buy something (just now)
that could.

I would like to buy a new Amiga, one that is in the same class of
abilities as other modern computers, but it's just not happening, and
I'm not prepared to wait forever.  There's been no useful information on
the chances (or when) of a new computer either.

It's too late now though, I can't afford to buy two.  So if another
Amiga does turn up, well /they've/ stuffed it.  I won't be buying
another computer for several years now.  And I certainly won't be doing
much more than buying the odd bit of software for the Amiga every now
and then.

> alan

I was wondering if you have a shift key, but you have typed "Amiga."

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38923

Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:11:09 -0800

Just noticed a thread about Ben's birthday...

*HAPPY THRIRTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY * :)  It twas the least I could do, like
somebody said, what did you get?  Slippers?  MP3 Player?  Amiga BoXeR
(that last one is a joke!)

Anyhoo, have a good birthday (I sure you're going out for a drink
tonight.... :), can I come....) ;-)



Message 38924

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:29:34 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> How? As Alan has already said, AROS only mimics AmigaOS - to make sure
> that AROS is doing everything AmigaOS does would take A LOT of time,
> they can't just implement it and hope AROS did a good enough job.
Right, please read all of it was updated today,..
note that
they have produced fully working/mimiking versions of several core
parts of the amigaos, coded in such a way that they can be used on any
hardware, i.e PPC.

So what amiga, inc and H&P do is to use the pre-coded parts and drop
them into the amigaos tree, replacing components that are 86k
hardcoded, as aros is a complete (or will be) mimic of amigaos, they
will provide the same functionality to programs, but hosted on ppc

> The time you save by using other people's code is negated by the fact
> that you can't trust that code to be 100% accurate - which the AmigaOS
> sources already are.
they are 100% accurate,.. have amiga done a complete formal proof of
correctness, no, cos os3.5 still has bugs. So you really think that
de-bugging elements of the aros code would be harder than completly
starting from scratch.
You obviously are the best coder ever, or a bit wrong..

> Plus AROS includes some 'enhancements' to the AmigaOS that would
> make straight merging even more difficult.
Difficult, but easyer than porting amigaos to the ppc...
> If you don't beleive me, go ask one of the QNX engineers, read the
> Cologne IRC logs with Greenboy (Phoenix) and William Bull.
i belive you,.. i have no doubt of the fact that qnx runs postix code,
but the fact is that not many people will ever get the chance, cos QSSL
have gone for a small slice of the computing market. 

> Do you know how much respect QNX have from bigtime developers?
They can respect it as much as they want, but businesmen decide what
apps get ported not engineers,...

> > One very large one and one very small one, in terms of installed
> > user base and developers.
> Now you ARE kidding, right?
Ok, i want to be able to go into a highstreet shop an buy all my future
I can go into a shop and buy a linux box, and SUSE, or Caldera
whatever,. i cant, go into a shop and buy QNX,.. nor do i think that
QSSL have any intention of letting me do so..

> It just so happens that Windows 2000 beat off about 3 different
> systems for our newest computing service here. Technical merit
> played an enormous part, in that it's the easiest to support,
> the easiest to work around, and the cheapest to implement by
> far.. (yes, you read that right)
Ok,, are you saying that Windows is more stable (over a long term) than
I know its easyer to use, and all the normal people know how to use it,
and there are more commerical apps, but do you use them all.??

I bet (and i use my own university usage logs here), 95% of all app
lanuches were from office, + navigator,.. drop in staroffice and most
people you carry on regardless.

its arguable if its cheaper,..(i wont go into that),. but do you think
that windows2000 will perform long term,.. with people like corel
comming into the linux market..?
> If you're a professional, technical merit counts for a lot. If
> you're just some plodding, uninformed user (not you personally)
> then it doesn't, popularity is king.
It may do, but the bean counters, at Leicester Uni, want a big name OS
and the chances are the just picked the OS cos of the name on the bos,
i very much doubt they talked to the Win2000 dev team and Lunis
Travolds, to compre the technical merits of the two..

> But who said that being popular was the same thing as being
> successful? Who says that QNX need to be a successful desktop
> player, when they have countless millions filling the bank
> from every other field in computing?
millions,.. thats nothing, (no really) and serious bussiness has a 1bn
turnover,.. its needed to keep you ahead of the pack, not all spent on
the tech guys, but on marketing people so you can sell more products,. 

> QNX Neutrino is *not* (predominantly) a desktop OS. It was never
> to be marketted solely at that level. It fills the shoes of being a
> desktop OS VERY well (as you say, it's technically excellent, but I
> wonder how you know that having never used it)
the specs read very well,..

> The beauty of an RTOS such as QNX Neutrino is that it does many many
> things extremely well. Remember this OS is the one Amiga were going to
> use FOR EVERYTHING before they went for Linux for the MCC, and some
> undefined RTOS for their PDA solution. Imagine, QNX Neutrino on your
> desktop, on your PDA, inside your microwave, controlling the
> power station which powers the chip factory, which runs Neutrino
> to control the production of your PPC, which is in your OTHER
> desktop. Think multiple uses, multiple benefits.
very nice idea,.. you think qnx can make it happen without a major
hardware partner,.. and a massive publisity campain..?

> Don't underestimate the power and respect QNX have gained, simply
> because you haven't seen it installed on somebody's home PC..
I wont, but what about all the miss informed users who need to be
convertd if the new amiga is ever be (reasonably) big again,.. to them
qnx is just a name.


Message 38925

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 boots
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 16:30:56 +0100
Hello Neil,

On 03-Dez-99, you wrote:

>> I wonder why Setpatch needs a reset? I am running OS3.5, and the only
>> reset I have is for Fusion.
> SetPatch resets after patching scsi.device and FFS. If you've added
> the NOROMUPDATE argument to SetPatch, it won't reset.

You're right! I could've sworn setpatch does not do this. I switched my
Amiga on, booted without startup-sequence, typed in setpatch and it said
"rebooting in three seconds...". So my machine actually does two resets.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 38926

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Zips
Date: 04 Dec 99 02:06:54 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
 To:  Chris Green <>
 On:  01-Dec-99 19:32:51
 Re:  [afb] Re: Amiga Zips

Hi Alan,

>> around with ANY IDE add on.  Everything I read about them suggests
>> they're far from plug it in and use it.  From incompatibilities, things
>> not booting, nasty behaviour, and waiting ages for registrations before
>> you get out of demo mode.

> well, that last part can be solved with OS3.5 as for mucking
> set a drive as master, other as slave

That bit I knew.  ;-\

I'm more concerned about the problems various IDE add-on boards have
created for various people (won't boot, HD went AWOL, cat died, etc).
I had enough grief with Squirrels flatly refusing to work on my 1200
(and 3 other 1200s I tried them on too, and yep I tried 3 different
Squirrels as well).

Since I have a 1.3 gig IDE HD, and >4.3 gig SCSI HD, and will have an
IDE burner in the IBuM.  I had thought about temporarily removing the
IDE HD from the Amiga, and then putting the burner in all by itself on
the 1200 IDE port.

At this stage in the game, I'm not sure if Amiga file attribute flags
are terribly important, as I'm thinking mainly of producing a CD with
data on it (text, JPEGs, etc), and maybe doing a file library backup for
my BBS.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38927

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:42:39 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> What do you mean?
They wont with qnx before they really, really made there mind up, and
got themselfs in trouble.

> Oh, and can you PLEASE quit with the constant
> comma-dot-dotting?
i will think about it..

> > Jim Collas reasons for using linux over qnx, please refer
> > to relivant executive update, on
> Which isn't there anymore. Awww, shame for you.
But it did happen, and it cant be denided, i think there was a section
in an
AF a while ago which covers it also.

> That depends on who you're talking about, to be honest.
very much, so,.. infact i would ignore anyone without a first class
computing degree, or a proven industry record, you agree ?

> I'd like to know what YOU do for a living, Matt Fletcher..
BSc (hons) Software Engineering student, Sheffield Hallam University,
you can mock me if you wish, but that would just be ageist, just
because the students you see are are ingnorant fools, doesnt mean i
am,.. infact the "technitions" we have are pretty stupid, but i dont
presume all of them are.

Judge me on my work, my website and my grades not the fact that i was
born later than you.


Message 38928

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Digital Imaging :)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:49:21 +0100
Hi Stephen
Somewhere around 30-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Digital
Imaging :)

> Is there anyboddy out there that knows if it's possible to hook up a
> Hanimex Axis digital camera to the Amiga? These little beggars are a
> bargain if they do. "Pocket sized digital camera. Inbuilt flash, focus
> free, 24-bit colour, 640*480 pixel resolution. Kit includes batteries,
> case, strap, serial cable and software on CD" (I know the CD would be
> useless)

I know that the camedia software on aminet works brilliantly, plus the docs
say that it supports almost all protocols around, so you might want to give
this a go

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Sussh. Be vewwy quiet, I'm hunting tagwines. hahahahah.

Message 38929

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ben only
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:48:13 +0100
Hi Patrice
Somewhere around 03-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Ben only

>   i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
> ----------------------------  
> |            HAPPY BIRTHDAY !            |
> ----------------------------

Hmmm, sorry Bert, Yam seems to have sent the birthday mail to B_Volders
instead of B_vost !!?? whoops, a wee bug in YAM there then

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Guess retain files, or any other key to reformat C:

Message 38930

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:54:37 +0100
On 02-Dec-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> spent months on actually bringing in some cash. Three people have bought
> NetConnect 3 - the rest were upgrades. All the other sales have been lost
> to piracy.

So people are upgrading? we all know there are no new users commingto amiga,
what can we do?, nothing. if the big (ish) companies can't bring in more
users, then tough. I'm not going out preaching

> They do, but it's actually a much safer bet investing in hardware because
> it's not so easy to pirate.

AFAIK its impossible to pirate. Haven't seen many Blizzurd o3o boards
nocking about...

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

There's too much sax and violins in classical music.

Message 38931

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: NTL
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 12:07:32 +0100
Hi Matthew
Somewhere around 02-Dec-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] NTL
> Hi

> Could someone send me a config file for netconnect (1) or miami please?
> I've got all the servers and so on, but it just commits suicide when
> trying to verify the DNS servers.

to follow up, I've now got it working, firstly I didn't have the domain name
in ( and second, my login name should be maurice.oneill (my
dadas name) but the stupid sods spelt it maurice.oniell idiots. Now my only
problem is appp.device pops up a requester saying password accepted

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Don't hate me, I'm just a tagline.

Message 38932

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:51:29 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > How? As Alan has already said, AROS only mimics AmigaOS - 
> > to make sure that AROS is doing everything AmigaOS does would
> > take A LOT of time, they can't just implement it and hope AROS
> > did a good enough job.
> Right, please read all of it was updated today,..
> note that they have produced fully working/mimiking versions of several
> core parts of the amigaos, coded in such a way that they can be used on
> any hardware, i.e PPC.
> So what amiga, inc and H&P do is to use the pre-coded parts and drop
> them into the amigaos tree, replacing components that are 86k
> hardcoded, as aros is a complete (or will be) mimic of amigaos, they
> will provide the same functionality to programs, but hosted on ppc
> hardware.

You make it *sound* so easy, when practicality suggests that it isn't.
> > The time you save by using other people's code is negated 
> > by the fact that you can't trust that code to be 100%
> > accurate - which the AmigaOS sources already are.
> they are 100% accurate,.. have amiga done a complete formal proof of
> correctness, no, cos os3.5 still has bugs. So you really think that
> de-bugging elements of the aros code would be harder than completly
> starting from scratch.

Yes :) Quite what OS3.5 has to do with anything is puzzling me,
though. So OS3.5 has bugs... and AROS doesn't?

> You obviously are the best coder ever, or a bit wrong..

I am the best coder ever! I must be, because I'm not wrong..

> > Plus AROS includes some 'enhancements' to the AmigaOS that would
> > make straight merging even more difficult.
> Difficult, but easyer than porting amigaos to the ppc...

You think so, don't you? Well I'll let you think that.
> > If you don't beleive me, go ask one of the QNX engineers, read the
> > Cologne IRC logs with Greenboy (Phoenix) and William Bull.
> i belive you,.. i have no doubt of the fact that qnx runs postix code,
> but the fact is that not many people will ever get the chance, cos
> QSSL have gone for a small slice of the computing market. 

Again with the small slices.. what is it with you? Must everything be
reduced to a popularity contest?

> > Do you know how much respect QNX have from bigtime developers?
> They can respect it as much as they want, but businesmen decide what
> apps get ported not engineers...

Bzzt! I said developers, not any specific TYPE of developer.

I'd reel off names, but they've been mentioned here, there and
everywhere many times before.

> > > One very large one and one very small one, in terms of installed
> > > user base and developers.
> > 
> > Now you ARE kidding, right?
> Ok, i want to be able to go into a highstreet shop an buy all 
> my future amigas. I can go into a shop and buy a linux box, and SUSE,
> or Caldera whatever,. i cant, go into a shop and buy QNX,.. nor do i
> think that QSSL have any intention of letting me do so..

You don't THINK?

Anyway, where are these shops where you can buy a Linux box? 

> > It just so happens that Windows 2000 beat off about 3 different
> > systems for our newest computing service here. Technical merit
> > played an enormous part, in that it's the easiest to support,
> > the easiest to work around, and the cheapest to implement by
> > far.. (yes, you read that right)
> Ok,, are you saying that Windows is more stable (over a long 
> term) than linux?

Ahem. Yes.

> I know its easyer to use, and all the normal people know how 
> to use it, and there are more commerical apps, but do you use
> them all.??

We use an absolute shitload of apps (100+ I think, don't make
me count the installable software :), and no, they *don't* come
in Unix versions before you ask.

> I bet (and i use my own university usage logs here), 95% of all app
> lanuches were from office, + navigator,.. drop in staroffice and most
> people you carry on regardless.

And what about Transmath, Geode, and all the departmental software?

Can you get SPSS for Linux?
> its arguable if its cheaper,..(i wont go into that),. but do you think
> that windows2000 will perform long term,.. with people like corel
> comming into the linux market..?

Obviously we do, or we wouldn't have implemented the service, would
we? Especially since we run Corel Draw's ENTIRE suite of applications
here, I don't think Corel are going to be too miffed that we aren't
using their Linux apps.

> > If you're a professional, technical merit counts for a lot. If
> > you're just some plodding, uninformed user (not you personally)
> > then it doesn't, popularity is king.
> It may do, but the bean counters, at Leicester Uni, want a big name OS
> and the chances are the just picked the OS cos of the name on the bos,
> i very much doubt they talked to the Win2000 dev team

LOL :) You couldn't be MORE wrong. We had people flying out to
Redmond doing status reports and attending conferences at Microsoft,
we certainly had our share of input ;)

> and Lunis Travolds


> to compre the technical merits of the two..

Do we really need to talk the the architect to see how the stairs
in this building work? No. Same principle.

> > But who said that being popular was the same thing as being
> > successful? Who says that QNX need to be a successful desktop
> > player, when they have countless millions filling the bank
> > from every other field in computing?
> millions,.. thats nothing, (no really) and serious bussiness has a 1bn
> turnover,..

When it's millions *per* field of computing?

> its needed to keep you ahead of the pack, not all spent on
> the tech guys, but on marketing people so you can sell more 
> products,. 

You'd ALSO think that, wouldn't you? 
> > desktop OS VERY well (as you say, it's technically excellent, but I
> > wonder how you know that having never used it)
> the specs read very well,..

As do those of Windows.. LOL :)
> > to control the production of your PPC, which is in your OTHER
> > desktop. Think multiple uses, multiple benefits.
> very nice idea,.. you think qnx can make it happen without a major
> hardware partner,.. and a massive publisity campain..?

What makes you think they HAVEN'T got a major hardware partner?

> > Don't underestimate the power and respect QNX have gained, simply
> > because you haven't seen it installed on somebody's home PC..
> I wont, but what about all the miss informed users who need to be
> convertd if the new amiga is ever be (reasonably) big again,.. to them
> qnx is just a name.

Seriously, what about them? To QNX, the Amiga users are just a few
people. QNX want to conquer the world..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38933

From :" Poll Results" <>
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:52:36 -0800
Here are the results of the vote:

1. CD in a wallet (like AA)			1
2. Something else every now and then (book, stickers etc)			2
3. CD in a single case (thinner type)			8
4. CD in jewel case (we have these now)			13

Message 38934

Subject: [afb] POLL: Ben's B-Day 3/12/99
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 07:55:06 -0800
Everyone turn and look at the old fart! ;) what should we do though?

Please select one or more of the following:

   o Celebrate
   o Birthday beats
   o Ignore him
   o Send him to an old person's home
   o Buy him a prezzie
   o Buy him a pint
   o Buy his mag

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 38935

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Ben's B-Day 3/12/99
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:57:05 +0100
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 07:55:06AM -0800, wrote:

And for all the BLIND TYPISTS out there..

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AFB: All polls MUST have dates!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Spanner :)


Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38936

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:01:21 -0000
> > That depends on who you're talking about, to be honest.
> very much, so,.. infact i would ignore anyone without a first class
> computing degree, or a proven industry record, you agree ?

I would settle for a proven industry record, or just maybe inside
information. You don't need a degree to use computers, write
software or do anything apart from a career in Medicine. They're
just tickets to an instant high-paid job, which you ALSO don't
> > I'd like to know what YOU do for a living, Matt Fletcher..
> BSc (hons) Software Engineering student, Sheffield Hallam University,
> you can mock me if you wish,

moc-a-moc ;)

> but that would just be ageist,

That really does depend on how old I am, and how old you are :)

> just because the students you see are are ingnorant fools

No, there are SOME neat students. 

> doesnt mean i am

No, but I'd say you were no different in attitude to ANY Computer
Sciences student I see around here. You know the one - "Linux is
king, Microsoft suck, I'm doing a degree therefore I must know
more than someone without one."

Just you wait until you get into the REAL world..

> ,.. infact the "technitions" we have are pretty stupid, but i dont
> presume all of them are.

Anybody can be a technician, but even without a degree I can
really honestly say that I know more about computers in general
than Joe Bloggs doing his second year of a BSc. in MCS here.

> Judge me on my work,


> my website


> and my grades

Grades count for nothing IMO.

> not the fact that i was born later than you.

That also depends on how old you are ;)

There *are* students on this list that are still older
than I am. It doesn't mean they know any more.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38937

From : Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] OS 3.5
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 17:52:30 +0200

I installed 3.1 > 3.5 to a big RAD disk and it worked fine. It took
about 9 megs with P96 but without internet or background pics. So if you
are short of space on HD but have lots of RAM, you can install to RAD
and then boot into 3.5 and manually copy over your old system. I copied
my "boot RAD partition " to my system partition for backup; with a suitable
script it would be possible to boot from 3.1 partition to 3.5 RAD based system.

Kind regards

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 38938

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 08:21:52 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> You make it *sound* so easy, when practicality suggests that it isn't
Hell, anybody who has ever written more than 25k of code, knows that
the job is very large, but the aros sources make its easyer than
starting from scratch.

> Yes :) Quite what OS3.5 has to do with anything is puzzling me,
> though. So OS3.5 has bugs... and AROS doesn't?
aros has more than bugs, it has missing libs,.!!, os3.5 was just
included as a referance of the constant bug count, that is in all
programs of a certain size or complexity.

> I am the best coder ever! I must be, because I'm not wrong..
time for a poll,..

> > Difficult, but easyer than porting amigaos to the ppc...
> You think so, don't you? Well I'll let you think that.
time for another poll,..

> Again with the small slices.. what is it with you? Must everything be
> reduced to a popularity contest?
No i am probably using the most least used current OS in the world, as
do you.
But thats not what i want it to remain for ever.

> Anyway, where are these shops where you can buy a Linux box? 
Independant computer shops everywere, the Software Wherehouse and a few
others sell linux distibutions of the shelf. 

> > Ok,, are you saying that Windows is more stable (over a long 
> > term) than linux?
> Ahem. Yes.
Right then, your in real shit now,.. I DEMAND A POLL !!

> We use an absolute shitload of apps (100+ I think, don't make
> me count the installable software :), and no, they *don't* come
> in Unix versions before you ask.
Wow,.. thats allot,.. why would they come in unix versions, you just
use the unix program that is available. If there is not you boot into
windows and use that softawre. This is not advanced stuff you know.

> > I bet (and i use my own university usage logs here), 95% of all app
> > lanuches were from office, + navigator,.. drop in staroffice and
> > people you carry on regardless.
> And what about Transmath, Geode, and all the departmental software?
> Can you get SPSS for Linux?
no, but then again you cant get sap/2 for windows (or freeciv)

> LOL :) You couldn't be MORE wrong. We had people flying out to
> Redmond doing status reports and attending conferences at Microsoft,
> we certainly had our share of input ;)
any of the competition..?, seems a bit one sided.. what about qnx, did
you invite them to give you a presentation ?,  

> Do we really need to talk the the architect to see how the stairs
> in this building work? No. Same principle.
So why listen to microsoft, you do you think that they will given you
101 reasons why windows will crash ?,
> When it's millions *per* field of computing?
I see that they are not worth as much as Red Hat, and they have never
made any money at all.
> > > desktop OS VERY well (as you say, it's technically excellent, but
> > > wonder how you know that having never used it)
> >
> > the specs read very well,..
> As do those of Windows.. LOL :)
I bet the win2000 microkernel is a real good read,.. as are the rtos
if you could find them,..

> > very nice idea,.. you think qnx can make it happen without a major
> > hardware partner,.. and a massive publisity campain..?
> What makes you think they HAVEN'T got a major hardware partner?
what makes you think they have ?

> Seriously, what about them? To QNX, the Amiga users are just a few
> people. QNX want to conquer the world..
got ya,.. "they dont care about us", so why would they want to make an
OS for us?

and also *them* refering to amiga users, surely that you be *us*, are
have you been converted ?

are they paying you,.. i mean you dont even use there software..?


Message 38939

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 08:34:28 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> They're just tickets to an instant high-paid job, which you ALSO don't
> need..
and why are they so high paid,..? maybe cos we are quite smart..?
> That really does depend on how old I am, and how old you are :)
19 Vs (i have a job and have a car)

> No, but I'd say you were no different in attitude to ANY Computer
> Sciences student I see around here. You know the one - "Linux is
> king, Microsoft suck, I'm doing a degree therefore I must know
> more than someone without one."
True its not fair to pick on someone because they failed to get a
proper formal eduction, life experiance is what counts.

So how much programming have you done for windows or amigaos or linux?
> Anybody can be a technician, but even without a degree I can
> really honestly say that I know more about computers in general
> than Joe Bloggs doing his second year of a BSc. in MCS here.
Thats good, but does it mean you will always know better than me, cos
you are older ?
> > my website (you allready looked),.. all generated in
dhtml, so please dont tell me i am bad at that to.

> Grades count for nothing IMO.
rubbish,.. in the "real world", its your foot in the door,. expericance
comes later.

> There *are* students on this list that are still older
> than I am. It doesn't mean they know any more.
are you this nice to all of them.


Message 38940

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:38:25 +0100
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 08:21:52AM -0800, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> > Can you get SPSS for Linux?
> no, but then again you cant get sap/2 for windows (or freeciv)

So as a Computing Science student - you must have done done Systemns
Analysis modules?

What is the process for defining your platform?

1 - What software meets our needs for now and the future?
2 - What OS does the selected software need?
3 - What hardware is needed?

Matthew - the rest of world select products on what they do to accomplish
their job - without giving a hoot what OS it runs on - the important thing
is getting your job done. The OS and then the hardware is reliant on the
application requirements - if you do it the wrong way around - YOU WILL
FAIL! That's business - pure and simple...

For some jobs, a *nix or proprietary box is best (DBMS, Network management,
etc), for WP, simple spreadsheets compatible with xyx dept, Windows or Macs,
for server applications, *nix or Windows.

I wish Amiga owners would stop being so bloody blinkered about what the rest
of the world does/can do with their hardware - show me a RADIUS server
running on an Amiga and I'll be happy - show me HP Openview running a 25000
node network on PC hardware and I'll be happy - neither is going to happen -
I just use the best tools for the job.



Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 38941

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: 04 Dec 99 03:01:02 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 00:51:29
 Re:  [afb] Re: PPC operating systems

Hi Sealey,,

>> Ok, i want to be able to go into a highstreet shop an buy all 
>> my future amigas. I can go into a shop and buy a linux box, and SUSE,
>> or Caldera whatever,. i cant, go into a shop and buy QNX,.. nor do i
>> think that QSSL have any intention of letting me do so..

> You don't THINK?
> Anyway, where are these shops where you can buy a Linux box? 

I just purchased an IBuM.  :-(  I told them it was a completely new
system (i.e. I had nothing to upgrade from), I was asked if I wanted
Windows.  They sell LINUX distributions.  They're formatting the hard
drive for me with several spare partitions.  I could have asked them to
put LINUX on it for me.  I shall save that fun and games for myself
though, I want something to keep me occupied (I don't do an awful lot of
work because of a back injury).

...[big snip]....

>> It may do, but the bean counters, at Leicester Uni, want a big name OS
>> and the chances are the just picked the OS cos of the name on the bos,
>> i very much doubt they talked to the Win2000 dev team

> LOL :) You couldn't be MORE wrong. We had people flying out to
> Redmond doing status reports and attending conferences at Microsoft,
> we certainly had our share of input ;)

Universities traditionally aren't shy of mainframes instead of PCs (and
I mean the proper use of PC- personal computers in a box, not IBuM
clones).  Likewise, I think they're not shy of using any OS they prefer
to, based on the merits of the system (that doesn't just mean the
flashiest, but the overall capabilities).

Networked systems don't necessarily need to run the same OS on the main
system to the terminals either.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38942

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: 04 Dec 99 02:53:48 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 00:09:03
 Re:  [afb] Re: PPC operating systems

Hi Sealey,,

>> From what I've read about QNX it does sound very good. (I can't say 
>> any more than that having never used it) 
>> The Phoenix lot seem to want to run it on some sort of Amiga/PPC 
>> hardware, but why? Why not just use QNX on a pop board or a PC, which 
>> would be cheaper and more powerful. Your Amiga programs will need 
>> some sort of emulation, but they would on the Phoenix platform anyway.

> You've just answered your own questions, to be honest. Don't
> underestimate Phoenix just because *Ben* doesn't 'beleive' in them.

If I recall correctly, you will still be free to put QNX on your Amiga,
if you want to, in exactly the same way many people run some of the UNIX
variants right now.  And I'm sure you will be able to get software, one
way or another to run too.  I tend to think that no matter what
direction any new Amiga takes, it will still be the small niche computer
that it is now.

For their own reasons, people do use non-mainstream computers, and OSs,
by choice.  I don't forsee NASA ever using Windows on their deep space
satellites, but they have used Amigas for telemetry (if you're
interested, I still have the HTML document about it - one page, and
about four graphics, I think).  And they sure had the ability to use any
computer system they wanted to.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38943

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Voting Results: Cover media - 29/11/99
Date: 04 Dec 99 03:06:07 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By: Poll Results <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 00:52:36
 Re:  [afb] Voting Results: Cover media - 29/11/99


> Here are the results of the vote:

> 1. CD in a wallet (like AA)                                  1
> 2. Something else every now and then (book, stickers etc)    2
> 3. CD in a single case (thinner type)                        8
> 4. CD in jewel case (we have these now)                     13

We're supposed to get a useful result out of 23 people?  This is a bit
of a pointless poll.  Why wasn't it left to run for longer?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38944

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: 04 Dec 99 03:04:35 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 01:01:21
 Re:  [afb] Re: PPC operating systems

Hi Sealey,,

> No, but I'd say you were no different in attitude to ANY Computer
> Sciences student I see around here. You know the one - "Linux is
> king, Microsoft suck, I'm doing a degree therefore I must know
> more than someone without one."

By definition, a person with a degree on the subject does know more
about it.  Or would you still like your local GP as much, if they
weren't qualified?  ;-)

> Just you wait until you get into the REAL world..

I think that a lot of people in the real world, are more than aware that
Microsoft sucks.  They're extremely famous for making some of the worlds
most buggiest software.  ;-)

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Sod this Thor mail program, it won't auto strip out signatures. 
(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38945

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 08:46:41 -0800
tudor davies <> wrote: 
> So as a Computing Science student - you must have done done Systemns
> Analysis modules?
> What is the process for defining your platform?
> 1 - What software meets our needs for now and the future?
> 2 - What OS does the selected software need?
> 3 - What hardware is needed?

Lovely, but do the applications define what OS and hardware you should
buy, for generic applications.

Should i use wordworth on a 68k amigaos
or staroffice on a AMD box under linux
or office2000 under Windows via Intel.

In this case the hardware and operating system are the primary conserns.

I realise that there is no chance of getting AutoCAD on *uix or
but for the desktop market were generic applications are the mainstay
of all
computer usage, does the user just pick the best known program or do
they try and get the best overall package.


Message 38946

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:49:12 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > You make it *sound* so easy, when practicality suggests 
> > that it isn't
> Hell, anybody who has ever written more than 25k of code,
> knows that the job is very large, but the aros sources make
> its easyer than starting from scratch.

And again, I tell you that it doesn't :)

Do you get it yet?

> > I am the best coder ever! I must be, because I'm not wrong..
> time for a poll,..

> > > Difficult, but easyer than porting amigaos to the ppc...
> > 
> > You think so, don't you? Well I'll let you think that.
> time for another poll,..

A poll won't prove anything :)
> > Again with the small slices.. what is it with you? Must 
> > everything be reduced to a popularity contest?
> No i am probably using the most least used current OS in the
> world, as do you. But thats not what i want it to remain for
> ever.

Why is it so important for the OS you use to have a huge
market share?

If it works, it works.

> > Anyway, where are these shops where you can buy a Linux box? 
> Independant computer shops everywere, the Software Wherehouse 
> and a few others sell linux distibutions of the shelf. 

I know I can get a Linux distribution from anywhere. But where
can I go and get a PC with, say, Corel Linux installed on it?

> > > Ok,, are you saying that Windows is more stable (over a long 
> > > term) than linux?
> > 
> > Ahem. Yes.
> Right then, your in real shit now,.. I DEMAND A POLL !!

With the amount of anti-Microsoft idiots on this list, it
would prove nothing apart from the fact that they are idiots,
and are all too ready to beleive everything they read on the
net - true or otherwise.
> > We use an absolute shitload of apps (100+ I think, don't make
> > me count the installable software :), and no, they *don't* come
> > in Unix versions before you ask.
> Wow,.. thats allot,.. why would they come in unix versions, you just
> use the unix program that is available. If there is not you boot into
> windows and use that softawre. This is not advanced stuff you know.

And then we'd have to support ANOTHER OS over the top of the rest we
support. We have IRIX going, that's as much Unix as we can be bothered
to support, and we have a MacOS based service which we are trying to
phase out as well.

The trick is that while supporting many operating systems may SEEM
simple to you, how the hell do you expect US to support it? Hire
more people? You must be kidding.

When was the last time YOU had to support upwards of 10,000 machines
on campus, all with different systems installed? Do you know how
much work it is to support a meagre 500 machines? 'Cos that's what I
do every day, supporting all those machines. Faults, drivers,
application errors, user idiocy (you may be able to use Unix, but
do half the Sociology students? :)

> > Can you get SPSS for Linux?
> no, but then again you cant get sap/2 for windows (or freeciv)

What's SAP/2, just out of interest?

(and since when has Freeciv been a deciding factor on the University's
computer systems?)
> > LOL :) You couldn't be MORE wrong. We had people flying out to
> > Redmond doing status reports and attending conferences at Microsoft,
> > we certainly had our share of input ;)
> any of the competition..?

Novell seemed interested I think. But we chose Windows. It's turned out
well so far.

> seems a bit one sided.. what about qnx, did you invite them to give
> you a presentation ?

No, but our Networks team have been to a few conferences. They weren't
in the running, because QNX would have been a bit to expensive when
the deals were going on (3 years ago-ish?)

> > Do we really need to talk the the architect to see how the stairs
> > in this building work? No. Same principle.
> So why listen to microsoft, you do you think that they will given you
> 101 reasons why windows will crash ?,

We know the reasons why Windows will crash already. And just to tell
you, it's usually user error or bad hardware.
> > When it's millions *per* field of computing?
> I see that they are not worth as much as Red Hat, and they have never
> made any money at all.

LOL! RedHat make an absolute TON! You think they dole out Linux support
contracts for FREE?
> > As do those of Windows.. LOL :)
> I bet the win2000 microkernel is a real good read,.. as are the rtos
> docs,.. if you could find them,..


> > > very nice idea,.. you think qnx can make it happen without a major
> > > hardware partner,.. and a massive publisity campain..?
> > 
> > What makes you think they HAVEN'T got a major hardware partner?
> what makes you think they have ?

The fact that I've been talking to the developers for most of this
month ABOUT potential hardware? Come on, this isn't idle speculation
I'm talking of here.
You think I'd pose a question like that if I *DIDN'T* know they
had a hardware partner?

> > Seriously, what about them? To QNX, the Amiga users are just a few
> > people. QNX want to conquer the world..
> got ya,.. "they dont care about us", so why would they want to make
> an OS for us?

To make money?

And to be honest, why SHOULD they care about us?

> and also *them* refering to amiga users, surely that you be *us*

I refuse to be a part of this godforsaken Community! If I told
you my feelings about the Amiga Community,  you'd fall over in

Suffice to say.. I have nicknamed them the Idiot Squad.

> are they paying you,.. 

No, I wish they were though..

> i mean you dont even use there software..?
Don't I now? Well you know best ;P

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38947

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:56:02 +0000
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 08:46:41AM -0800, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> Should i use wordworth on a 68k amigaos
> or staroffice on a AMD box under linux
> or office2000 under Windows via Intel.

If all your users are used to Office, then either pick Office or pay the
extra money to retrain them to use a different word processor under a
different operating system. Users are not willing to put time into having
to learn an even slightly different environment unless they're being paid
to do so.

> In this case the hardware and operating system are the primary conserns.

No. The users (and hence the applications) are the primary concerns.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 38948

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Degrees (was PPC OS)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:56:11 -0000
> > No, but I'd say you were no different in attitude to ANY Computer
> > Sciences student I see around here. You know the one - "Linux is
> > king, Microsoft suck, I'm doing a degree therefore I must know
> > more than someone without one."
> By definition, a person with a degree on the subject does know more
> about it.  Or would you still like your local GP as much, if they
> weren't qualified?  ;-)

By definition, a degree garners more respect for the individual.

It shows application, determination, and the will to lose 4 years
of your life for the sake of a peice of paper that means precisely
nothing about intelligence in the real world. I have met some
REAL idiots who have degrees, beleive me.
A degree does NOT automatically make you more intelligent than
someone who does NOT have a degree.

I have made the exception in the field of Medicine - where I
don't think I'd trust anyone without a degree to even bandage
my arm. There's too much damage to be done, too much RISK
involved in the medical profession, to have any-old-Joe
doing in. Plus, medical faculties are damned strict compared
to others like Chemistry or Sociology. I'd trust them to
turn out a decent doctor or nurse or cardiac surgeon.

> > Just you wait until you get into the REAL world..
> I think that a lot of people in the real world, are more than 
> aware that Microsoft sucks.

Read Tudor's comments, please ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38949

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Usefulness of the OS (was PPC operating systems)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:01:00 -0000
> tudor davies <> wrote: 
> > So as a Computing Science student - you must have done done Systemns
> > Analysis modules?
> > 
> > What is the process for defining your platform?
> > 1 - What software meets our needs for now and the future?
> > 2 - What OS does the selected software need?
> > 3 - What hardware is needed?
> Lovely, but do the applications define what OS and hardware you should
> buy, for generic applications.
> Should i use wordworth on a 68k amigaos
> or staroffice on a AMD box under linux
> or office2000 under Windows via Intel.
> In this case the hardware and operating system are the 
> primary conserns.

I don't see how, as two of those systems are interchangable
in hardware terms. I have yet to see Linux *not* run on an
Intel processor, or Windows *not* run on an AMD processor
(exceptions due to timing bugs discounted)

Wordworth is hardly an Office suite, either. And what about
Corel Wordperfect for those x86 platforms?
> I realise that there is no chance of getting AutoCAD on *uix or
> Movieshop, but for the desktop market were generic applications
> the the mainstay of all computer usage, does the user just pick
> the best known program or do they try and get the best overall
> package.

We aren't talking about singular users here, are we? The choice 
of OS for an entire organisation is a LITTLE different in scope
to the choice of OS for your PC at home (Which I bet runs Windows
by default)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38950

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 3 Dec 1999 10:14:7 +0000
Tudor Davies said, 

> Neil took a full 9 minutes to type:

>> > Quite correct - the squabble between Active & the duplicators is
>> > irrelevant to Chris' not having his software - Active need to sort that
>> > out in the background, all the while keeping their legal obligation to
>> > their customers
>> That's all well and good in theory, but Active haven't got any working
>> CDs to send out, and won't have until the dispute with the duplicators
>> is resolved. Since the duplicators are in the wrong, the time it takes
>> to sort out is up to them. Sooner or later they'll have to admit defeat,
>> unless Active give up, but it's likely to be later rather than sooner.

> That, Neil, is called business :)

I know, but business and common sense don't *have* to be mutually

> Shit happens - to everyone, everywhere. Regardless of Active's problem with
> the duplicators, by selling a faulty CD to Chris, Active broke their legal
> contract with him - he has all rights to sue them - in the same way that
> someone could sue you or me for providing them with a "bronze" service when 
> they had paid for the "gold" service.

Once again ,in theory, that's quite correct. But what would it achieve?
Active would shut up shop and Chris sill wouldn't get his CD.

> Does Active have a CDR(W)? They made a master (you had a copy) - why don't
> they do it again for the few that have problems and are willing to complain
> - is that such a hard thing to do?

Not at all, and is a reasonable stop gap solution, although it doesn't
fix the main problem of a duplicator that screwed up and refuses to
admit their error.

> They don't need to send out jewel cases
> or inners - just the CD in a wallet in a jiffy bag - total materials = 1.50
> - extra effort required=time.

Most people would probably be happy with a letter or email containing an
explanation of the situation, an apology for any inconvenience and a
commitment to supply a fixed CD when the situation is resolved.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast.

Message 38951

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Money, Money, Money (Kinda OT)
Date: 3 Dec 1999 10:18:20 +0000
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi David,

>> You have to order them from your bank. I went in the other day for
>> some. 2 weeks they said. And they're trying to sell me a eurocheque
>> card (so I can get money from cash machines in europe - i'm not even
>> going there) which they're gonna charge me 6 per year for.

> And you don't need it anyway. I've been using my standard bank cards in
> France and Germany at least for years now...

You don't need it for ATMs but you do need it as a cheque guarantee
card. Some overseas banks don't like accepting Eurocheques without the
number on the back, charging the payee for the privilege of giving them
the money.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
One size fits all:  Doesn't fit anyone.

Message 38952

From :"Chris Green" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:20:45 -0000
Hi Neil

> Most people would probably be happy with a letter or email containing an
> explanation of the situation, an apology for any inconvenience and a
> commitment to supply a fixed CD when the situation is resolved.

I certainly would be happy with that. I don't care how the CD is cut, be it
with a burner or a duplicator, I just want a disk free of corrupt files.
Perhaps Active should try it, or at the very least respond to some of the
emails, faxes and phone messages I've sent them!

Chris Green
Technical Editor - Computing
VNU Business Publications, 32-34 Broadwick Street, London, W1A 2HG
Fax: +44 (0)207 316 9160      Email:
ICQ: 10921400                 URL:

Message 38953

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 17:24:26 -0000
> Andrew, let us presume that you bought CU Amiga with
> the CUCD.  As the C4D serial number was not included,
> you asked the publisher, EMAP, for the number.
> However, you now find that you did not receive the
> serial number for the Magic Link conversion tool.
> In such a case, although one year has passed,
> I believe that EMAP still are legally bound to give
> out the Magic Link serial number.

Well, I got the CU mag, Emailed Hi-sof for the serial number, wrote them
down in my special book of important information, and never even knew that
MagicLink was there.

There's no documentation or any kind of indication as to what this program
does (unless I got the manual I suppose), So I never looked for it.

As soon as someone on this list told me about it, I immediately used the
number I got when I got the C4d serial number.

Therefore, the terms of my usage of the program is legally correct.

Message 38954

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3d Objects in c4d
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:26:08 -0000
> > Andrew, let us presume that you bought CU Amiga with
> > the CUCD.  As the C4D serial number was not included,
> > you asked the publisher, EMAP, for the number.
> >
> > However, you now find that you did not receive the
> > serial number for the Magic Link conversion tool.
> >
> > In such a case, although one year has passed,
> > I believe that EMAP still are legally bound to give
> > out the Magic Link serial number.
> Well, I got the CU mag, Emailed Hi-sof for the serial
> number, wrote them down in my special book of important
> information, and never even knew that MagicLink was there.

I didn't think that MagicLink WAS there.

I have it, but then that's because I bought the full
version with that deal (+ manuals and stuff)

> There's no documentation or any kind of indication as to what 
> this program does (unless I got the manual I suppose), So
> I never looked for it.

Again, IIRC, MagicLink wasn't on the coverdisk..

Or was it? I can't tell (I have the official Cinema4D 4.1
CD here.. it definitely has MagicLink in, and I definitely
have the serial number for it..)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38955

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:29:54 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> And again, I tell you that it doesn't :)
no, your wrong, but i am smart enough to realise a vaid diffrence of
line of argument is now dead.

its just something i picked up,.. i suppose it could signify a pause.

> A poll won't prove anything :)
how about a poll of the core aros team, and the H&P amiagos staff ?

> If it works, it works.
Ks 1.3 works, and works well,.. as does 3.5 but i still want it to be
worked upon and developed further.

> I know I can get a Linux distribution from anywhere. But where
> can I go and get a PC with, say, Corel Linux installed on it?
Honsity i could not tell you a single place, (cos i am not in the
market for any more hardware) but what i can say, is that many mail
order comapnays give you a choice of os that now includes linux, so if
you happend to go to there shop you would be asked about your os.

BTW PC worlds now sells Macs, so how long do you think it will be
before Corel or SUSE or RedHat start putting together hardware bundles..

> > Right then, your in real shit now,.. I DEMAND A POLL !!
> With the amount of anti-Microsoft idiots on this list, it
> would prove nothing apart from the fact that they are idiots,
> and are all too ready to beleive everything they read on the
> net - true or otherwise.
and here in is the real problem, its a matter of usage, i can quite
happily use winNT for hours (i just have), without crashing it, and i
will go home and crash SUSE.

Then again win32 seems to have a real problem with me changing ls120
disks, but i can run mSQL sever for hours. Its a pitty there is no real
hard evidance to back up what both of us have (diffrently) expericanced.

> When was the last time YOU had to support upwards of 10,000 machines
> on campus, all with different systems installed? Do you know how
> much work it is to support a meagre 500 machines? 'Cos that's what I
> do every day, supporting all those machines. Faults, drivers,
> application errors, user idiocy (you may be able to use Unix, but
> do half the Sociology students? :)
never obviously,.. but i was more worried about the art students.

> What's SAP/2, just out of interest?
BIG database, used by BA, BAE, Ford, Tyota (i dont know any more
personaly), but i would presume all the big internatinals do.

They have uptime measured in years, and a bsd4.4 core, crashing even
once a month would be a real problem.

> (and since when has Freeciv been a deciding factor on the University's
> computer systems?)
Never, (at least i hope not) its just there to show one small factor,
i.e its
much easyer to write (or port) network applications under linux/unix
than windows.
> Novell seemed interested I think. But we chose Windows. It's turned
> well so far.
dont trust them, our network has a novell5 core and there NDS, servers
are buggy. Infact they have almost as much downtime as winnt4.

> No, but our Networks team have been to a few conferences. They weren't
> in the running, because QNX would have been a bit to expensive when
> the deals were going on (3 years ago-ish?)
qnx has come on allot in 3 years, and win2000 has broken lots of
promised (what happened to the in memory database for acess caching,
that seemed a great idea)

> We know the reasons why Windows will crash already. And just to tell
> you, it's usually user error or bad hardware.
i know, user errors are 99% (or more) of all errors, so why use an os
that can be crashed (to deadend) by swapping removable disks ?
> LOL! RedHat make an absolute TON! You think they dole out Linux
> contracts for FREE?
Hell no, for $49, around $48, is profit, but all there share price is
built on the expectation of future profits, which i doubt thay will
ever live upto. But what they are doing, is using all this foolishly
invested capital to pour tons of cash into new projects and marketing.

> > I bet the win2000 microkernel is a real good read,.. as are the rtos
> > docs,.. if you could find them,..
I.e they dont exist,.. because the kernel feature set of (NT or 2000),
is plainly not as good as linux.

> The fact that I've been talking to the developers for most of this
> month ABOUT potential hardware? Come on, this isn't idle speculation
> I'm talking of here.
Talk never got anyone anywere, (as you might have noticed), when
digital or IBM or a box maker come out, then qnx will have something to
work with.
> You think I'd pose a question like that if I *DIDN'T* know they
> had a hardware partner?
please tell me thay are 10x8 bigger than H&P or its no go.

> And to be honest, why SHOULD they care about us?
possible future markets (POP based), considering they allready have a
PPC version, all they would have to do is ship QNX, with an install
floppy and
they would have a few thousand sales, not bad for about 20mins work.

> I refuse to be a part of this godforsaken Community! If I told
> you my feelings about the Amiga Community,  you'd fall over in
> disbeleif.
Boy is that a generalisation or what,.. how many qnx people are amiga
users, would you call them godforsaken, or any of the amiga developers ?

> Don't I now? Well you know best ;P
Not at uni, and you dident support there bid, (dispite your contacts),
so what software do you use on your unamed qnx box at home ?


Message 38956

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:44:46 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > And again, I tell you that it doesn't :)
> no, your wrong, but i am smart enough to realise a vaid diffrence of
> opions, line of argument is now dead.

Someone tell him PLEASE that simply dumping the AROS source on top
of the AmigaOS ones does NOT make it easier or necessarily quicker
than starting from scratch...

> its just something i picked up,.. i suppose it could signify a pause.

It's annoying. PLEASE stop!
> > A poll won't prove anything :)
> how about a poll of the core aros team, and the H&P amiagos
> staff ?

And how do you propose to reach them?

> BTW PC worlds now sells Macs

PC World has sold Macs since the iMac first came out, because I
went into one on the day they got released.
> Then again win32 seems to have a real problem with me changing ls120
> disks, but i can run mSQL sever for hours. Its a pitty there is no
> real hard evidance to back up what both of us have (diffrently) 
> expericanced.

I know, but does it make it any less true? No.

You can find testamonials EVERYWHERE by companies who use Windows, who
will say that it's stable, it's efficient, and it does the job.

I have yet to see any large company offer an "uptime guarantee" like
Compaq do with their NT servers.

> > application errors, user idiocy (you may be able to use Unix, but
> > do half the Sociology students? :)
> never obviously,.. but i was more worried about the art students.

LOL :)
> > (and since when has Freeciv been a deciding factor on the 
> > University's computer systems?)
> Never, (at least i hope not) its just there to show one small factor,
> i.e its much easyer to write (or port) network applications under
> linux/unix than windows.

I can tell you now that what you have just said is pure bollocks and
no denying it ;)

> > Novell seemed interested I think. But we chose Windows. It's turned
> > out well so far.
> dont trust them, our network has a novell5 core and there NDS, servers
> are buggy. Infact they have almost as much downtime as winnt4.

See? :)
> > We know the reasons why Windows will crash already. And just to tell
> > you, it's usually user error or bad hardware.
> i know, user errors are 99% (or more) of all errors, so why use an os
> that can be crashed (to deadend) by swapping removable disks ?

Crappy hardware and/or drivers. Simple as that. As Microsoft don't
write drivers for 99% of the hardware that is available, you should
blame the manufacturer of the drive.

Or it could be (common user error ;) that you've installed the wrong
type of drivers..
> > LOL! RedHat make an absolute TON! You think they dole out Linux
> > support contracts for FREE?
> Hell no, for $49, around $48, is profit, but all there share price is
> built on the expectation of future profits, which i doubt thay will
> ever live upto.

Which is the whole point of the stock market :)

You wouldn't buy RedHat shares because of that opinion. And when it's
share prices goes through the Earth's core, you'll be laughing.

But that's the whole point..

> I.e they dont exist,.. because the kernel feature set of (NT or 2000),
> is plainly not as good as linux.

Say that again? Can you talk any *more* rubbish, do you think?
> > You think I'd pose a question like that if I *DIDN'T* know they
> > had a hardware partner?
> please tell me thay are 10x8 bigger than H&P or its no go.

Haage & Partner? LOL! You think so small ;) It's not phase5 either.

> > And to be honest, why SHOULD they care about us?
> possible future markets (POP based), considering they allready have a
> PPC version, all they would have to do is ship QNX, with an install
> floppy and they would have a few thousand sales, not bad for about
> 20mins work.

No, I asked you why they should CARE about us..

> > I refuse to be a part of this godforsaken Community! If I told
> > you my feelings about the Amiga Community,  you'd fall over in
> > disbeleif.
> Boy is that a generalisation or what,.. how many qnx people are
> amiga users, would you call them godforsaken, or any of the amiga 
> developers ?

How many QNX people are Amiga users? Not many, considering. But
they have a darn sight more going for them than Kovo, Tim Rue,
Babur, or any other idiot who shows his face shouting


> > Don't I now? Well you know best ;P
> Not at uni, and you dident support there bid,

QNX didn't 'bid' for anything.. it doesn't work like that i.e.
we choose some OSes to try, and they supply them, and we choose
them - it's not an auction about who can give us the best deal,
or which one looks the nicest to deal with.

> (dispite your contacts),

They chose the system before I joined..

> so what software do you use on your unamed qnx box at home ?

What QNX box? I don't know what you're talking about. And even if
I did, I'd be legally bound NOT to talk about it, if you get what
I mean..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38957

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Usefulness of the OS (was PPC operating systems)
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 09:50:17 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> I don't see how, as two of those systems are interchangable
> in hardware terms. I have yet to see Linux *not* run on an
> Intel processor, or Windows *not* run on an AMD processor
> (exceptions due to timing bugs discounted)
1) alpha linux, staroffice
2) intel windows, MSOffice
3) m68k amigaos, (Turbocalc, Scala, Wordworth)
the choice is now based on the os/hardware, so which the best choice ? 

> We aren't talking about singular users here, are we? The choice 
> of OS for an entire organisation is a LITTLE different in scope
> to the choice of OS for your PC at home (Which I bet runs Windows
> by default)

The choice of a corperate OS, should i think be based on the
requirements of all the users, be they typists who uses a wordprcessor
only and the phd people who use highly specialist systems. In the end
you either go for the lowest common denominator (by defult always
windows), or you attempt to show people that something is better, which
will be linux.

I doubt its a wise choice to purchase anything just beacuse its what
other people seem to like, without first trying all the viable
alternatives. Or we would all drive fords, were clarks shoes and eat
tesco beans. 

My IBM/Intel hardware as no defult software at all, infact it came
without any software.


Message 38958

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Usefulness of the OS (was PPC operating systems)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:57:12 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > I don't see how, as two of those systems are interchangable
> > in hardware terms. I have yet to see Linux *not* run on an
> > Intel processor, or Windows *not* run on an AMD processor
> > (exceptions due to timing bugs discounted)
> OK..
> 1) alpha linux, staroffice
> 2) intel windows, MSOffice
> 3) m68k amigaos, (Turbocalc, Scala, Wordworth)
> the choice is now based on the os/hardware, so which the best 
> choice ? 

Intel (or AMD) Windows, because Alpha and m68k systems are

a) undersupported (m68k)
b) overpriced (Alpha)
c) *difficult to manage* (Linux)
d) insecure (AmigaOS)
> > We aren't talking about singular users here, are we? The choice 
> > of OS for an entire organisation is a LITTLE different in scope
> > to the choice of OS for your PC at home (Which I bet runs Windows
> > by default)
> The choice of a corperate OS, should i think be based on the
> requirements of all the users, be they typists who uses a wordprcessor
> only and the phd people who use highly specialist systems. In the end
> you either go for the lowest common denominator (by defult always
> windows), or you attempt to show people that something is 
> better, which will be linux.

Will it now?

You seem so sure of yourself, Matt, that Linux will be 'better' for
anyone but the lowest common denominator.

You, Matt, not even out of school yet, who has no experience of
picking these operating systems, making these decisions, supporting
these services?

You are so sure. But are you right??

> I doubt its a wise choice to purchase anything just beacuse its what
> other people seem to like, without first trying all the viable
> alternatives. Or we would all drive fords, were clarks shoes and eat
> tesco beans. 

Which Ford, which Clarks' Shoes and which type of Tesco Beans (normal,
or No Frills)

> My IBM/Intel hardware as no defult software at all, infact it came
> without any software.

None at all? Where did you get it from, then (software I mean) and what
is it running now?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38959

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Degrees (was PPC OS)
Date: 04 Dec 99 04:30:19 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 01:56:11
 Re:  [afb] Degrees (was PPC OS)

Hi Sealey,,

>>> No, but I'd say you were no different in attitude to ANY Computer
>>> Sciences student I see around here. You know the one - "Linux is
>>> king, Microsoft suck, I'm doing a degree therefore I must know
>>> more than someone without one."
>> By definition, a person with a degree on the subject does know more
>> about it.  Or would you still like your local GP as much, if they
>> weren't qualified?  ;-)

> By definition, a degree garners more respect for the individual.
> It shows application, determination, and the will to lose 4 years
> of your life for the sake of a piece of paper that means precisely
> nothing about intelligence in the real world. I have met some
> REAL idiots who have degrees, beleive me.
> A degree does NOT automatically make you more intelligent than
> someone who does NOT have a degree.

The keyword *was* knowledge, not intelligence.  I am well aware that
there are plenty of /qualified/ people who know bugger all about really
doing their job.  But, by and large, the people I know who have studied
something, /know/ more than those who haven't.

> I have made the exception in the field of Medicine - where I
> don't think I'd trust anyone without a degree to even bandage
> my arm. There's too much damage to be done, too much RISK
> involved in the medical profession, to have any-old-Joe
> doing in. Plus, medical faculties are damned strict compared
> to others like Chemistry or Sociology. I'd trust them to
> turn out a decent doctor or nurse or cardiac surgeon.

When I buy into computer gear, I'd like to know that the person selling,
or maintaining it really knows what they're doing.  I hate people, who
are hacks, doing all sorts of wierd bodging tricks to get something to
work, rather than fixing it properly.

I am more impressed by people who really know what they're on about.  I
remember studying digital electronics at college (amongst other things),
and know how much effort it takes to do that.  I used to be able to
sight read about 100 Intel op-codes, because of the amount of /ankles/
/deep/ /in/ /processor/ work we did.

It's usually harder to learn, than do, and as a student, you're expected
to learn and understand a concept that some person spent years inventing.
Or worse, understand something, that at least two of your teachers have
wildly opposing views about.  ;-\

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38960

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: 04 Dec 99 04:32:23 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Sealey, M. <>
 To:  '' <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 00:06:08
 Re:  [afb] Re: PPC operating systems

Hi Sealey,,

>> I would be stupid to belive anything anyone said on a mailing 
>> list,.. right?

> That depends on who you're talking about, to be honest.

> I would beleive Richard or Ben, Andrew Korn, Neil Bothwick,
> Tim Seifert, maybe Alan Buxey on a good day, myself of course,
> Chris Green.. there are a few others who's names I have
> forgotten.. all very qualified to talk about what they talk
> about, of course.

Well seeing as I've made it into your top 6 list...

I've recently been having a similar bloodletting type debate on a local
BBS, which I'm so sick of, that I've stopped reading their mail, when it
got to this sort of thing:

> I'd like to know what YOU do for a living, Matt Fletcher..

<school marm> Your attitude, Mr Sealey, is a little too much of a
smartarse.  Go to the corner of the room, and write a *one page* essay
on the subject, *without* sticking daggers in people.  </school marm>

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38961

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..
Date: 04 Dec 99 04:38:44 +0900
 _Replying to a message_:

 By:  Chris Green <>
 To:  afb <>
 On:  04-Dec-99 02:20:45
 Re:  [afb] Re: Further to the Active thread..

Hi Chris,

>> Most people would probably be happy with a letter or email containing an
>> explanation of the situation, an apology for any inconvenience and a
>> commitment to supply a fixed CD when the situation is resolved.

> I certainly would be happy with that. I don't care how the CD is cut, be it
> with a burner or a duplicator, I just want a disk free of corrupt files.
> Perhaps Active should try it, or at the very least respond to some of the
> emails, faxes and phone messages I've sent them!

One would think, that in the interim, they'd find someone else to burn
CDs so that they can sell their product, as well as keep their existing
customers happy.  It's just shooting themselves in the foot, to not do

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38962

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC operating systems
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:17:59 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> Someone tell him PLEASE that simply dumping the AROS source on top
> of the AmigaOS ones does NOT make it easier or necessarily quicker
> than starting from scratch...
I am open to be put down,.. 

> > how about a poll of the core aros team, and the H&P amiagos
> > staff ?
> And how do you propose to reach them?
You cant and they are the only people who could say you are right/wrong
or i am right/wrong, you why do you have this problem execpting that
you are not Olaf Barthel, and fact a uni support guy, who spends to
much time on the internet ?    

> I know, but does it make it any less true? No.
Does it make you claims and more true ? No.

> You can find testamonials EVERYWHERE by companies who use Windows, who
> will say that it's stable, it's efficient, and it does the job.
Its all realative, stable compared to what 3.11 ?, or MSDOS (which i
have never seen crash). My idea of stable is an operating system that
on average errors less than once a full working day. The NT/2000 core
does not provide that. 
> I have yet to see any large company offer an "uptime guarantee" like
> Compaq do with their NT servers.
They dont have to, and there is no "guarantee", you or i could crash
the NT sever in a matter of minutes. Leave any computer in a loced room
and dont use it and it will never crash (execpt win95)

> > > application errors, user idiocy (you may be able to use Unix, but
> > > do half the Sociology students? :)
> >
> > never obviously,.. but i was more worried about the art students. 
> LOL :)
I have seen them trying desperatly trying to pull floppys out of macs,
> I can tell you now that what you have just said is pure bollocks and
> no denying it ;)
If you say so,.. i obviously havent done as much socket programming as
you, i bow to your greater knowledge.

> > dont trust them, our network has a novell5 core and there NDS,
> > are buggy. Infact they have almost as much downtime as winnt4.
> See? :)
Its terrible and just to think that the two http/ftp, unix machines
have been up throughout all the sillyness..

> Crappy hardware and/or drivers. Simple as that. As Microsoft don't
> write drivers for 99% of the hardware that is available, you should
> blame the manufacturer of the drive.
surely microsoft make there own floppy driver..?

> > I.e they dont exist,.. because the kernel feature set of (NT or
> > is plainly not as good as linux.
> Say that again? Can you talk any *more* rubbish, do you think?
Ok less go though a list of KERNEL stuff,..

      windows    linux
RTOS     -         Y
Java     -         Y
portable -         Y
3DGFX    -         Y  

you want to add any..?

> How many QNX people are Amiga users? Not many, considering. But
> they have a darn sight more going for them than Kovo, Tim Rue,
> Babur, or any other idiot who shows his face shouting



>I'd be legally bound NOT to talk about it, if you get what
Legally not bound to say anything?, now i dont know what your on about,
do you use qnx at home ?
